War of Devolution


AS-level History (Louis XIV) Note on War of Devolution, created by s_phie5 on 05/03/2014.
Note by s_phie5, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by s_phie5 over 10 years ago

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BACKGROUND/ WHY- in 1670 the Treaty of Dover was signed- L. bribes Charles II so he won't get involved with war of devolution or dutch war it had no legal basis/was unjustified-L. said it was to claim Marie's territory as by ancient law the territory in the span-neth shoudl be 'devolved' upon the eldest son/daughter of the king of spain..Marie Therese! Levi- 'territorial gains against the Dutch' Fear of Habsberg encirclement Dutch are protestant and are a republic- no monarchy= annoyed L.

LOUIS' 'AIMS' expansion legacy security of borders ' a beneficent sun sharing rays of love' REAL AIMS show off army intimidate countries show off to lovers/wife secure his frontiers and claim territory

SUCCESSgain territory- Franche Comte, Lille, Charleroi= Vauban built fortresses in these towns to defend and show power

ENDEDpeace of aix chappelle- gained northern land and have back Franche Comte

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