Tests For Stuff


A friend came up with this and its very helpful for GCSE Chemistry
Georgia B
Note by Georgia B, updated more than 1 year ago
Georgia B
Created by Georgia B over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

One fine day a scientistDecided to exploreHow to tell each thing apartAnd so flame tests were bornCalcium (that's Ca 2 plus)Turns brick red in a fire.Sodium was tested next;A yellow flame rose higher.Lithium was pink as rose,Potassium, K, was purple."That's all I need! Let's move one!"The scientist gladly burpled.Halides (Cl, Br, I)Were the next things on his list.Dissolve in water, add HNO3,Silver nitrate - you get the gist.Precipitates form, and lo! Behold - Chloride's as white as snow.Bromide: cream, and I is yellow.There's still more tests to go.SO4, that's sulphates, next:Add water and HCl.Barium Chloride, drop by drop."White precipitate!" he yelled.

Metal ions were then tried.Dissolve in water quick.Add NaOH - be careful though;The results are rather sick.Iron II Sulphate's bogey green,Iron III Chloride's brown, it's true.After these results, wasn't he surprised!Copper Sulphate's a lovely blue.The scientist decided toMove on to gases now.Hydrogen makes a squeaky pop;O2 relights - wow!CO2 turns lime water cloudy;Ammonia's alkaline;Chloride bleaches litmus paperand that is all just fine!Finally, for water, takeBlue Cobalt Chloride paper.H2O will turn it pink;Our scientist's no faker.

Tests for Stuff

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