Causes of WW1


Canadian History (World War 1) Note on Causes of WW1, created by Jessica McCluskey on 03/01/2017.
Jessica McCluskey
Note by Jessica McCluskey, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica McCluskey
Created by Jessica McCluskey about 8 years ago

Resource summary

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Militarism-Britain had largest Navy to protect empire-Germany wanted Navy too, to acquire colonies and protect them-Britain saw Germany's naval growth as a direct threat

Imperialism- The act of empire building. -Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal have many colonies = big empire-Germany wants empire too

Alliances-Triple Entente - France, UK, Russia-Triple Alliance - Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

Nationalism-Pride in one's country- Citizens were prepared to do anything for their nation, even go to war

Page 2

Spark for War - Assassination of Archduke Ferdinanad

-Archduke Ferdinanad and wife killed by Serbian terrorist group, The Black Hand- Austrian government blamed blamed Serbian authorities, demanded the arrest of all Black Hand members, an official apology, and the right to send Austrian troops to monitor Serbian acceptance of the terms.-Serbia stalled since they did not want Austrian troops in their province-Germany gave austria their full support-Austria attacked Serbia, Russia and Germany mobilized their armies

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