Rossetti and A doll's house context


Context for rossetti and a doll's house
t t
Note by t t, updated more than 1 year ago
t t
Created by t t about 7 years ago

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The Tarantella- Italian folk dance, represents passionate self expression, originates from 'tarantisim': a disease/ form of hysteria that formed in Italy 15th-17th century. For these reasons it can be considered an emotional outlet for Nora at this point in the play.

Kierkegaard's theory of Existentialism- Aesthetical life- lives lived in search of pleasure, novelty, etc. He believed that this life style would eventually lead to boredom, frustration and would become meaningless.Ethical lives- life lived with a sense of duty in accordance with what society/ religion wants of you. You would have to compromise everything. At first Nora is living an "aesthetical life" which at first she appears to be comfortable with. However, she begins to feel trapped and bored with a life which has no other aim but to serve her husband. Nora is also prepared to defy the accepted practices of society in order to achieve maximum happiness/ to make her life meaningful Nora switched from an Aesthetical life to a 3rd sphere where people accepted they could live the truth

Symbolism-Ibsen uses symbols throughout A doll's house to represent the ideologies of the 19th century. For example: the door, macaroon, embodied dress, tree and even the title. Door- the play opens with a door in the setting. This is a sign of imprisonment of woman in the 19th century under the bond of marriage.Squirrel/skylark- gives strength to Torvald. Appears like pet names but is actually just small and helpless animals. At the end the skylark flies free.Title- a doll is a playful object, puppet in the hands of Torvald, describes feminity and identity of a Victorian society. Toys- Nora buys a horse/ sword for her sons and doll's for her daughter. The boys toys represent power BUT the doll's are just setting the girl up for her future

Life for women in the 19th century-Separate spheres- Victorians believed that the two genders inhibited "separate spheres" where they would only come together at meal times. This is based on the natural characteristics of men and women:Women were considered physically weaker but morally superior to men. Therefore they were more suited to the domestic sphere.

Theatrical context- Up until the mid 19th century melodrama was the main style of theatre in Europe. Realism: used to characterise plays that represented how the world IS opposed to what it OUGHT to be. Ibsen was very concerned with this and implemented it into many of his works

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