FAHW Pre-seen questions


Degree FAHAW Note on FAHW Pre-seen questions, created by jamesryeomans on 18/05/2013.
Note by jamesryeomans, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jamesryeomans over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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1) Genetic engineering is a powerful method of improving animal health, fighting disease and introducing desired traits into animals”. Discuss the above quote, evaluating both the benefits and concerns around this growing field in farm animals and use examples of genetic engineering to illustrate you point.

1) Since their creation in 1959, immunoassays have been described as “revolutionising disease diagnosis and surveillance” with advances continuing to be made to the reliability of these tests and the speed at which results can be obtained. Evaluate the role of immunoassays in farm animal health both now and in the future. Your answer should include a description of how they work, examples of their many uses now and possibilities for the future and an assessment of their value within the farm animal health industry in relation to other available options.

1)      The UK has seen recent invasions from exotic diseases such as Bluetongue virus and Schmallenberg virus that affect farm animal health, production and welfare. Discuss the current organisations involved in disease surveillance and evaluate the measures in place for the identification of and prevention of rapid spread of diseases in the UK. Complete your answer by assessing the Government’s / AHVLA’s most recent consultation and proposals with regards to improving disease surveillance in the UK.

1)      The Veterinary Medicines Directive (VMD) and National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) both play significant roles in the farm animal health industry and usually they successfully work alongside each other. Over the last two years they have had a disagreement over proposals to ban advertising of antimicrobials and other prescription-only medicines to professional keepers and owners of animals, a legislation that is now due to come into effect from October 2013 so that the UK fall in line with current legislations in the EU. a.       Discuss and explore the roles of both these organisations  in the farm animal health industry (14 marks) b.      Evaluate the need for the recent changes to legislation with regards to advertising of antimicrobials to professional keepers of animals and the stances taken by both NOAH and the VMD in the recent disagreement.

1)      a.       In less developed countries, including many parts of Africa and Asia, farm animals are kept in traditional farming systems. How is the welfare of these animals (during production, transport and slaughter) likely to differ from that of animals kept intensively or extensively in western countries? (14 marks) a.       What are the barriers to improving animal welfare in less developed countries and how are these being overcome? (6 marks)






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