Created by 12178000
almost 12 years ago
Characteristics a grower looks for in selecting wheat varieties
What is the average wheat yield in the UK?
What are the benefits of leguminous crops in arable rotations?
Why is agricultural soil increasingly acidic?
How often should pH be tested?
Which vegetative feature of the plant can be used to distinguish between wheat, oats and barley?
Which plant has big auricles?
Which crop has no auricles?
Which crop has whiskery auricles?
Under the NABIM Classification what are Group 4 Wheat varieties used for?
Under the NABIM classification what are Group 3 wheat varieties used for?
Under the NABIM classification what are Group 2 wheat varieties used for?
Under the NABIM classification what are Group 1 wheat varieties used for?
Benefits of crop rotation
Give an example of a typical four year arable rotation
Give an example of a mixed farming rotation
Name four major plant nutrients
Name three minor nutrients
Name a pest of the potato crop
Name a disease of the potato crop
What is a grass field that is more than five years old called?
What is the term used to describe short term (under five years) grass fields?
How much of the chicken carcass is used in the UK?
What are the two main types of broiler chickens in the UK?
How many kg of chicken does the average person in the UK eat each year?
How many chickens are slaughtered in the UK each year?
How many eggs does a chicken lay each year?
What are male broiler chickens used for?
What are female broiler chickens used for?
Name three components of controlling a broiler chicken's enviornment
How many laying hens are there in the UK?
What are the most common laying birds?
What should the temperature be for laying birds?
How much light should a (non organic) bird get each day?
What does a broiler chicken weigh at slaughter?
What date were caged chicken colonies banned in the EU?
How many birds should there be per hectare in free range systems?
What three things must enriched cages contain?