Matthew Law
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

Mind map attempting to display all of the key bits of B7 from the OCR 21st Century GCSE Science specification.

Matthew Law
Created by Matthew Law almost 11 years ago
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over 10 years ago
excellent mind map
B7: Further BiologyPeakPerformanceEcosystemsNew TechnologiesMovementand ExerciseCirculationEnergyBalanceSkeletalSystemExerciseFitnessInjuriesBloodComponentsthereofThe CirculatorySystemContrololololing BodyTemperatureControlling BloodSugarDiabetesHuman Impactson NaturalEcosystemsManagingEcosystemsClosed LoopSystemsGeneticTestingGeneticModificationThe IndustrialUse ofMicroorganismsNanotechnologyStem CellsBiomedicalEngineeringred bloodcellsplasmawhite bloodcellsplateletshumans have aDOUBLE CIRCULATORYSYSTEMyour skeleton (figure1) has a variety ofuses...SUPPORTfigure 1: yourskeletonMOVEMENTPROTECTIONwithout a skeleton youwould be a jellytasticflop, and not be able tostand upyour skeletonprotects your vitalorgansyou are a vertebrate:your skeleton is on theinsideGary (right) is aninvertebrate: his skeletonis on the outside"meow"-Garyjoints allow bones tomoveyou need a skeleton toachieve any amount ofelegant feline poiseand are composed of variousbits...a smooth layer ofcartilage andsynovial fluidbetween the bonesreduces frictionbetween theboneselasticligamentsstabilise jointswhile allowingmovementtendonsconnect bones andmuscles, transmits forcesbetween the twomuscles pull on bones to movethemmuscles move thebones (andconsequently the limb)at a joint by contractingwhen the musclecontracts, a tendonpulls on the boneFITNESS: howwell you cando physicalactivitiestransport oxygen from thelungs to the rest of thebodyhave nonucleus, socan carry lotsahaemoglobinhave a biconcaveshape to give them alarge surface area forexchanging oxygenhelp to fightinfection byprotecting yourbody againstattack frommicroorganismsliquid that carriesstuff...nutrients,eg glucoseand aminoacidswaste, egcarbon dioxideand ureaantibodieshormonessmall cell fragments that helpthe blood to clot at the siteof a woundthere are a variety offeatures of biochemistrythat make them ideal forindustrial use...first off,microorganism:bacterium, fungus orvirusrapidreproductionlargequantities ofthe productcan be madequicklypresence of plasmids - small,circular molecules of DNA,separate from amicroorganism's main DNAthese can be easilygeneticallymodified so that themicroorganism ismade to producethe desiredproducttheir simple, understoodbiochemistrythis makesthem easy togeneticallymanipulatewithoutcausingmajorproblemswe also can useour knowledge ofthem to controltheir growthconditions toproduce anoptimum yieldability to make complexmoleculesbacteria can makecomplex antibiotics,food additives andhormones thatcan't be easilysynthesised in thelablack of ethicalconcernone could growloads of them andthrow them awayand no one wouldcaremicroorganisms aregrown on a largescale to make lotsaproducts...ANTIBIOTICSsome types of bacteriaand fungi can be usedto produce medicineseg penicillin is anantibiotic made by growingPenicillium mould in afermenterFUNGI FOODa type of single-celled proteinmade by fungi is used tomake fake meat in veggiemeals, eg QuornENZYMES FOR MAKING FOODtraditionally cheese is madeusing a mixture of enzymescalled rennet from the liningof a calf's stomachnowadays, chymosin, the importantenzyme in rennet, is produced bygenetically modified organisms inlarge quantities as a veggiesubstitute for rennetENZYMES FOR WASHING POWDERenzymes produced bybacteria can be used to makebiological washing powders -the enzymes help to breakdown stainsexempli gratia amylaseenzymes can removecarbohydrate stains like jamand chocolate, and lipasegets rid of fat stains, likebutter, oil and your mumBIOFUELSmicroorganismscanbeusedtomakefuels,forexample...yeast can be used to produceethanol, a waste product ofanaerobic respirationin some countries, na przykładBrazil, cars are adapted to runon a mixture of ethanol andpetrol known as 'gasohol'microorganisms can be used to producebiogas, a fuel used for heating, cooking,lighting, etcit's made bythefermentationof plant andanimal wastecontainingcarbohydrateshuge amounts ofmicroorganisms are grown incontainers qui s'appellefermentersthe conditions insidefermenters are adjusted toobtain OPTIMUM GROWTHYIELDnanotechnology is a branchof technology that uses tinystructures, about the size ofsome molecules, with avariety of applications....Annatechnologyis a similartechnologyinvolving tinypeoplefood can be made to lastlonger例えば adding claynanoparticles cankill harmfulmicroorganismssomenanoparticlescankillharmfulmicroorganismstodeathsome 'smart packaging' usesnanoparticles to change thepackaging's properties dependingon the conditionspor ejemplo, a milkcarton could be made tochange colour when themilk goes offbiomedical engineeringuses engineeringtechnologies to improvehuman healthγια παράδειγμα, faulty body partscan be replaced with nice shinyworking ones...if the group of cells controlling thetempo of one's heartbeat stopsworking, the heartbeat may becomedangerously irregularthe faulty cells can be replacedby an artificial pacemaker,which uses an electric currentto control the heartbeatfaulty heart valves can also bereplaced with either animal ormechanical valvestissues and organsgrown from stem cellscan be used to treatillnesses, например...leukaemia, a cancer of theblood or bone marrow, hasbeen successfully treatedusing stem cell technologyà l'avenir, stem cells could be used to treat spinal chord injuries by replacingdamaged nerve tissuebone marrow transplants containing stem cellscan replace the leukemia sufferer's faultybone marrow, the stem cells in it being able toproduce healthy blood cellsa perfect closed loopsystem is a systemthat has no wastebecause the outputfrom one part of thesystem becomes theinput to another partI couldn't find any imagesup to my standard on theinterweb, so I copied theones in the revision guideto make my own...there's more room for me to explaindown here...this is what a PERFECTCLOSED LOOP SYSTEMlooks like: everythingis recycled within thesystemI hate to disappoint you,but no ecosystem isperfect like this - someoutputs are always losteven if it's not *perfect*,an ecosystem cannevertheless still be aclosed loop system, likeso:உதாரணமாக...some dead organic matter andnutrients can be carried out of anecosystem by air or water, erenghraifft fallen leaves may be blownaway be the wind or carried away byriverssomeorganismsmigrate fromoneecosystem toanother, egthe Mongolshuman activities can damageecosystems by mucking up their inputsand outputs, use fertilisers containing extra nutrients (like nitrates) to helpplants growthis unbalances the ecosystem,because the input of nitrates ishigher que normal, leading toEUTROPHICATION...humans take biomass out of ecosystems for our own use - this can damagean ecosystem...humans often clear natural areas of vegetation in order to grow crops and/orraise livestockhuman activities create non-recyclable waste that can't be used againwithin an ecosystemhuman systems AREN'TCLOSED LOOP SYSTEMSgenetic modification = where a gene from oneorganism is transferred to another andcontinues to workgenetic testing isused to identifygenetic disordersthe steps to test for afaulty gene are asfollows:1: take a DNAsample2: make a geneprobe3: use the geneprobeDNA isolated from white blood cells is oftenused to test for genetic disorders ∵ it'squick and easy to take a blood samplecontaining loads of white blood cellsto identify a faulty gene, a gene probe is produced - a strand ofbases that's complementary to the faulty gene you're looking forthe gene probe is mixed withthe DNA - si le gene estpresent, the probe will stink toit, their bases locking togetherperfectly like in the diagramto see the geneprobe, a fluorescentchemical marker isattached to the probe- if the faulty gene ispresent, it will glowunder UV lightyour body controls the levelof sugar in your blood with achemical called insulinthere are two types...diabetes is where blood sugarlevel can't be controlled properlytype 1type 2your body should be kept at a constanttemperature of about 37° - the optimumtemperature for lots of reactionswhen your blood sugar levelget too high, məsələn whenyou eat a delicious gluten freecake, your pancreas releasesinsulin, which removes theexcess sugar from the bloodtype 1 is where the pancreasstops producing insulinthis means that the blood sugar levelof a person suffering from type 1diabetes can rise to a dangerous levelit's controlled by injectinginsulin into the blood,usually at mealtimesthe injection needs to havethe right amount of insulin toensure that the body doesn'tremove too much sugartype 2 diabetes oftendevelops later in lifethe risk of developing it isincreased by having a poordiet or by being obeseit occurs when the bodyno longer responds to itsown insulin, or it doesn'tmake enoughthis can again cause aperson's blood sugar levelto rise to a dangerous levelit can be controlled byexercising and eating a carefullycontrolled dietმაგალითად, someone who suffers from type 2 diabetescan keep their blood sugar levels steady by eating foodsthat are high in fibre and complex carbohydrates - thesefoods are digested more slowly than simple sugars, sothe sugar is absorbed into the blood over a longer periodof type, and the blood sugar level rises more slowlyDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node