A few
A little
A long time ago
A one way ticket
A round trip ticket
About 300 kilometers
Across from the post office
All day
Am I pronouncing it correctly?
Amy is John's girlfriend
Anything else?
Are there any concerts?
Are they coming this evening?
Are they the same?
Are you afraid?
Are you allergic to anything?
Are you busy?
Are you comfortable?
Are you coming this evening?
Are you free tonight?
Are you going to help her?
Are you going to take a plane or train?
Are you here alone?
Are you sure?
Are you waiting for someone?
Are your children with you?
As soon as possible.
At what time did it happen?
At what time?
Be careful driving
Be careful
Be quiet
of course
of course not
that's fine
that's right
as soon as possible
that's enough
it doesn't matter
it's not important
it's not serious
it's not worth it
I'm in a hurry
I've got to go
I'm going out
sleep well
is anything wrong?
what's the matter?
is everything OK?
have you got a minute?
what's going on?
what's happening?
what happened?
well done!
good luck!
bad luck!
what a pity! o what a shame!
happy Easter!
glad to hear it
sorry to hear that