Created by franimal
over 10 years ago
What is the study of carbon compounds called?
What kind of bonding takes place in organic chemistry?
Describe three of the physical properties of the alkanes.
How do the alkanes burn?
How reactive are the alkanes and why?
Why are the alkenes more reactive than the alkanes?
What are the alcohols?
What state are methanol and ethanol at room temperature and what does this show?
Do the alcohols mix with water and why?
What is the -OH part of an alcohol called?
Do the alcohols burn?
What would happen if you combined ethanol with sodium?
Which of the hydrogen atoms are involved in the reaction between an alcohol and sodium and why?
In what three ways can ethanol be produced?
What does it mean, that ethanol is fermented?
In a fermenter, the most amount of ethanol that can be produced before the yeast are killed is quite low. What happens if a higher concentration is required?
If there's an energy balance value in a table, what does this mean?
What is now being used in place of yeast, as it can convert all sugars rather than just glucose to ethanol?
What is the main feedstock for making synthetic ethanol and what two sources are there of it?
What is used to purify ethanol and how does this work?
What is the main acid in vinegar called?
What are the organic compounds that contain the reactive group -COOH called?
What makes a strong or a weak acid?
What does a (carboxylic) acid plus a metal form?
What does a (carboxylic) acid plus a soluble hydroxide form?
What does a (carboxylic) acid plus a metal carbonate form?
What is an ester?
What five stages are there to making an ester, without descriptions, in order?
What does a reflux condenser do?
In the second stage of making an ester, what happens to the reaction mixture after refluxing?
What is a tap funnel?
In the drying stage of the ester making process, granules of calcium chloride are added - what are these used as?
What is the alcohol in fats and oils called and how many groups of what does this compound have?
What are the carboxylic acids in fats and acids called?
Describe the physical and structural properties of animal fats. (4 points)
Describe the physical and structural properties of vegetable oils. (4 points)
What happens when an ester reacts with water, in the presence of a catalyst? What makes a good catalyst?
What does it mean for a fat to be cis-fatty or trans-fatty?