Created by Julie Gholston
over 7 years ago
1. How did the Council handle the problem of the growing number of responsibilities on its officers?
2. Why did the Home Missions and Education Department fail to plant churches?
How did these Bible schools operate financially?
4. What general characteristics did the schools share?
5. What program was developed to prepare men and women to meet the district ministerial training requirements?
5. What program was developed to prepare men and women to meet the district ministerial training requirements?
7. How has Gospel Publishing House
(GPH) assisted in discipling believers?
8. Why did the Assemblies of God support World War II when its adherents remained pacifists during World War I?
9. What need was revealed during the World War II war effort?
10. What reasons did J. Roswell Flower give for joining the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE)?
11. How did the Assemblies of God benefit from joining the NAE?
12. What were Noel Perkin's two major contributions to the Foreign Missions Department?
13. Why was the requirement that missionaries pass medical clearance so controversial?
14. Why were doctrinal standards needed in El Salvador?
15. Imagine yourself in the place of one of these missionaries. How would the stony ground affect your attitude about ministry (commitment to ministry)?
16. How did Ernest S. Williams influence the Assemblies of God?
17. What obstacles did women ministers face over the years?
18. What common goal did the instructors and students share?
19. What was P. C. Nelson's attitude toward education? Why did he believe this way?
20. How did P. C. Nelson react when he saw many young people entering the ministry without proper training?
21. What other contributions did P. C. Nelson make to the Assemblies of God?
22. How did Myer Pearlman influence the Assemblies of God?
23. How did Marcus Grable influence the National Sunday School Department?
24. How was Hattie Hammond's mentorship unusual?
25. How did William I. Evans' daily schedule show spirituality?
26. Describe the characteristics of someone who has been a mentor to you.