Created by Julie Gholston
about 7 years ago
1. What caused the New Order of the Latter Rain movement?
2. Why did the healing evangelists cause debates?
3. What was the effect of the healing evangelists overseas?
4. How did Noel Perkin answer the debate about whether healing the sick was replacing the preaching of the Word?
5. How were the blessings of prosperity seen in new church buildings?
6. How did the Bible institutes respond to the changing times?
7. Explain how Pentecostals took Christian values into the marketplace.
8. Interview a Christian businessperson about Christian values in the business world today. Summarize that interview in a paragraph or two.
9. Why was the 1959 General Council at San Antonio important?
10. What type of evangelistic teams ministered during this time?
11. How did Thomas F. Zimmerman prepare the A/G for evangelism?
12. What other contributions did Zimmerman make to the Assemblies of God?
13. What contributions did Zimmerman make to the Pentecostal Movement?
14. How did the Azusa Street revival differ from the other early revivals?
15. Why did the General Council revise its policy on racism?
16. What event marked the beginning of the charismatic movement?
17. How did David du Plessis share his Pentecostal testimony?
18. How did the pattern for growth change in the 1960s?
19. What did Tommy Barnett do to create interest in church?
20. What made the pastor and laypersons mentioned in this lesson successful?
21. What was the primary reason for Pentecostal growth overseas?
22. How did Melvin L. Hodges influence the Assemblies of God?
23. How did rebel soldiers cause a revival?
24. How does the story of J. W. Tucker affect your idea about suffering?
25. How did Pentecostals solve the Mary and Martha problem?
26. How did Sam Cochran's vision affect evangelism and missions?
27. What happened on the USS Coral Sea that illustrated the effectiveness of Pentecostal chaplains?
28. What part of Pentecostal worship replaced the need for a formal creed?
29. Why were Stanphill's songs so popular?