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Arrianna Strykul
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Week 9

Arrianna Strykul
Created by Arrianna Strykul about 7 years ago
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Jarvis Ch.11: Nutritional Assessmentā€¢ Define nutritionalstatus.ā€¢ Describe the unique nutritional needs for variousdevelopmental periods throughout the life cycle.ā€¢ Describe the role culturalheritage and values may play inan individualā€™s nutritional intake.ā€¢ State the purposes of anutritional assessment.ā€¢ Describe the components of a nutritional assessment.Discuss the strengths and limitations of the methods usedfor collecting current dietary intake.ā€¢ Use anthropometric measures and laboratorydata to assess the nutritional status of patients.ā€¢ Use nutritional assessment in the provision ofhealth care and for health promotion.To do a nutritional assessment you; 1. Obtain a health historyrelevant to nutritional status. 2. Elicit dietary history ifindicated. 3. Inspect skin, hair, eyes, oral cavity, nails, andmusculoskeletal and neurologic system for clinical signs andsymptoms suggestive of nutritional deficiencies. 4. Measureheight, weight, BMI, WC, and other anthropometric parametersas indicated. 5. Review laboratory test. 6. Offer health promotionteaching.Derived weight measures, body massindex, waist to hip ratio, skinfoldthickness, arm span or total arm length.24-hour recall: Easiest and most popular. Theindividual or family member completes aquestionnaire or is interviewed and asked abouteverything eaten w/in the last 24 hours. Haspotential errors due to 1. Individual or familymember may not be able to recall the type oramount of food eaten. 2. Intake within the last 24hours may be atypical of usual intake. 3. Individualor family member may alter the truth. 4. Snackitems and use of gravies, sauces and condimentsmay be underreported.Food Frequency: How many times per day,week, or month an individual eatsparticular foodā€™s, Errors: It doesn't alwaysquantify amount of intake and it relies onthe personā€™s memory .Food Diary: Write down everythingconsumed for a certain period of time.Typically, three days, or two weekdays.Most complete and most accurate.Potential problems: noncompliance,inaccurate recordings, atypical intake onrecording, and conscious alteration of dietduring recording period.Direct Observations: Observation offeeding and eating process can detectproblems not readily identifiedthrough standard nutritioninterviews. Observing typical feedingtechniques by parent or caregiverand interaction between individualand caregiver can help assess failureto thrive in children or unintentionalweight loss in older adults.They are noninvasive, inexpensive, andeasy to perform to assesā€™ individualnutritional status and if they are atany risks for weight loss, inadequatefood intake or recent illness.Newly arriving immigrants at risk for nutrition intake. (e.g.hypertension, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, osteomalacia (softbones), scurvy, and dental caries. Other factors: Lots of changes,language barrier, culture diff, no known people, unfamiliar foods,familiar foods are difficult to find, low income may limit ability toaccess familiar foods.Aging Adult: increased risk forundernutrition or over nutrition.Decrease in energy because of loss oflean body mass and an increase in fatmass, protein, vitamins, and mineralsneed to remain the same or increase.Adulthood: growth andnutrient need to bestabilized.Pregnancy/ lactation: sufficient calories,protein, vitamins, and minerals must beconsumed. Iron, folate, and zinc are essentialfor fetal growth, while the vitamins andminerals are neededAdolescence: Caloric and protein requirements increase fordemand of bone and muscle growth, calcium and ironrequirements increase.Infant/children: Breast feeding isrecommended for the first year of lifebecause it is the ideal formulated topromote normal growth and developmentand builds natural immunity.The balance between nutrientintake and nutrient requirements.Key Terms1. 24-hour recall, p. 184: The individual orfamily member completes a questionnaire oris interviewed and asked about everythingeaten within the last 24 hours.2. Comprehensive nutritional assessment, p.184: individuals that are at risk for nutritionalproblems go through this screening whichincludes a dietary history and clinicalinformation, physical examination for clinicalsigns, anthropometric measures, andlaboratory test.3. Direct observation, p. 184: Observation offeeding and eating process can detectproblems not readily identified throughstandard nutrition interviews.4. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), p.191: a tool that measures body composition;body fat and lean body mass, also bone mineraldensity.5. Food diary, p. 184: Write down everythingconsumed for a certain period of time.6. Food frequency questionnaire, p. 184: How many timesper day, week, or month an individual eats particularfoodā€™s,7. Kwashiorkor, p. 194: Protein malnutritionis caused by diets high in calories but littleor no protein.8. Marasmus, p. 194: protein-calorie malnutrition iscaused by inadequate intake of protein and caloriesor prolonged starvation.9. Metabolic syndrome, p. 182: Increased cardiac riskand is diagnosed when a person has 3 of thefollowing 5 biomarkers; elevated BP, increased fastingplasma glucose, elevated triglycerides, increase waistcircumference, and low high-density lipoproteincholesterol.10. Nutrition screening, p. 184: the first step inassessing nutritional status.11. Optimal nutrition status, p. 181: Achieved whensufficient nutrients are consumed to support day to daybody needs and any increased metabolic demands causedby growth, pregnancy, or illness.12. Overnutrition, p. 181: Consumption ofnutrients, especially calories, sodium and fat, inexcess of body needs.13. Percent usual body weight, p. 189: is calculated by takingthe current weight devided by the usual weight times by 100.14. Sarcopenia, p. 183: Age related loss of musclemass15. Sarcopenic obesity, p. 183: combined with an increase in body fat,decrease in physical activity and decrease in protein intake with aging.16. Undernutrition, p. 181: Nutritional reserves are depletedand/or when nutrient intake is inadequate to meet day today needs or added metabolic demands.Double click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node