Created by Emma Madden
almost 12 years ago
Peter Trudgill, Norwich Study 1974
The North and South Gap - wealth, employment and Standard language
Migrants in Milton Keynes; typical pattern of migrants
Them as Demonstrative Pronoun
'What' As Subject Relative Pronoun
'Never' As Past Tense Negator
General Patterns in Occupational Jargon
Features of Geordie Dialect (continued); isolated, Scotland, merger, traditions, natural
'Grassroots strike back'
Features of Geordie Dialect (continued); changing, distinction, understanding
Howard Giles' Capital Punishment Experiment
Qualities of RP
Howard Giles' Capital Punishment Experiment (continued)
Rosenstock (rose in stock) - Greying World
Jenny Cheshire, Peer Groups, 1980
Jenny Cheshire, Peer Groups, 1980
Rise-Fall Intonation
Linguistic Integration
Language Repertoire
Jenny Cheshire - Peer Groups in Reading, 1980
Trudgill on Non-Standard English
Post-Creole Continuum
Linguistic Imperalism
Features of Estuary; happY, 'hewwo', 'tishoo', 'mawth'
Features of Estuary English (continued); 'what is tha'?', divergence
Kachru's Model of Global English
Barrie Rhodes on Why Dialects Differ; language breaks, moving away, W
McArthur's Model of Global English
William Labov - Martha' Vineyard Study
Barrie Rhodes on Why Dialects Differ (continued); English triangle
Linguistic Diversity
International Phonetic Alphabet
Mark Sebba on London Jamaican (continued); 16th century, pidgins, code-switching
Rosewarne on Estuary English
Sue Fox on MEYD (continued); students
Sociolinguistic Maturation
Colloquial Language Study at King's College London, 1995
William Labov - New York Study, 1960s
Language Variation
Peter Trudgill on Standard English (continued); D,C,S
Dialect Prestige
Basil Bernstein - Elaborative and Restrictive Codes
Ellen Ryan - Status and Solidarity
Hopper & Zahn
Paul Kerswill's Research on Milton Keynes and Reading - Dialectal Levelling; vowels
Jane Stuart-Smith
Paul Kerswill on Koineisation in Milton Keynes; study, conclusions, network
Paul Kerswill on Koineisation (continued); 'do', generations
Paul Kerswill on Koineisation (continued); change, settlements, koines, external, internal
Paul Kerswill on Koineisation (continued); older generations, emergence, 1950s
Aziz Corporation, 2003
Laughter Study - Lesley Harbige, Aberdeen University
Intelligence Study - Dr Lance Workman of Bath Spa University
Intelligence Study - Dr Lance Workman of Bath Spa University (continued)
William Labov - Overt & Covert Prestige
Milroy's Study of Open & Closed Networks in Belfast
Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger - Communities in Practice, 1991
Mark Sebba on London Jamaican; 17th and 18th centuries, sugar plantations, patois
Mark Sebba on London Jamaican (continued); verb aspects, immigrants; today...
David Crystal's Language of Technology:
David Crystal's Language of Technology:
Nonce Formation
Mark Sebba on Jamaican Creole (continued); suffixes, copulas
David Crystal's Word of Technology:
Eye-Dialect Form
Mark Sebba's Study on Catford Girl's Possee
David Crystal's Language of Technology:
Concord Rule Breaking
David Crystal's Language of Technology:
Non-Standard Symbol Combinations
David Crystal's Language of Technology:
Internal Sentence Punctuation
David Crystal's Language of Technology:
Emotive Punctuation Sentences
The British Empire & Global English; interactions, 'kangaroo'
David Crystal's Rule For Technology, 2001
Texting - Logogram
David Crystal - 2B Or Not 2B
John Humphrys on Texting
John Sutherland on Texting
Migration; languages in London, Indian and West Indies, 1700s
David Crystal's 2B Or Not 2B on Initialisms
Dominant Forms in Global English
Peter Stevens on Global English
Australia Soap Influence on English
Hinglish & Engrish
Chinese Pidgin English
Features of Irish; aka, 'tum-ti', 'happenin'', rhotic, vernacular, dipthongs
Irish (continued); island, syntax structure, 'I come home for the Christmas', 'do' and 'be', 'they do running fast', 'getting wash on'
William Labov on American English
Features of The Black Country; prestige, style, conjunctions, 'fu'
Pluricentric Languages; national identity, no dominance
Paul Kerswill's Research on Reading's Accent; sounding more like...,Older people and young people's accents; London
Paul Kerswill's Research on Reading's Accent (continued); commuting, prevention of homogenisation
The Evolution of Global English; first language, contributions
Sue Fox- Multi-Ethnic Youth Dialects; influences
Paul Baker on Polari
Leet; mode, formed, characters, spelling, 'creamage'
Features Of Essex Accent; vowels, migration, hybrid between, 'first', W, V and T, wa'er
Michael Halliday on Anti-Languages
Cryptolects; Tuscany
Malcolm Petyt and Social Climbing in Bradford, West Yorkshire (1985)
Features of Cockney English; 'bovva', ''at', 'wa'er', 'cowt'
Prison Argot; original definition, incarcerate's slang, endemic
Received Pronunciation; 2%, a D, positive prestige, Trugill
Prison Argot (continued); Northern and Southern states
Features of Geordie; coal mining, assimilation, village, Kevin Watson, M & U
Features of Geordie (continued); class, preservation; not viable, schooling
York; heart of..., lexicon remained from...
Navy Jackspeak; 'abeam'
Features of Liverpudlian; influence, sing-song, 't', filler, 'worra', guttural, 'bOOk'
Adam Fox on Medical Jargon; register, 'biparental', 'departure lounge'
Features of Liverpudlian (continued); 'our mam', Kevin Watson, Paul Kerswill, postal town, homogeneous accent, happY tensing
Types of Pronunciation
Epenthetic Inversion