Netiquette is short for:
Internet etiquette
Necessary teaching etiquette
Typing an email message in all capitals means:
You are shouting
This message is very important
It is OK to forward or post an e-mail message that you have received if:
the message is typed in all capitals
The author of the message has given you permission to forward or post it
The author of the message hasn't marked it as confidential
Using "Smiley-faces" in a message is:
Okay, but they should be used sparingly
Entirely acceptable
Childish and should never be done
A flame is:
A person who consistently breaks the rules of Netiquette
A post or email message that expresses a strong opinion or criticism
An online chain letter
You should worry about grammar and punctuation:
Whenever you have the time to pay attention to it
Only when you are sending a message to your friends
All of the time
The chat abbreviation "brb" stands for:
Been really busy
Be right back
better run, bye
The Golden Rule of Netiquette is:
Remember we're human
Never flame a friend
Follow all the other rules of Netiquette
Knowing Netiquette will help you to:
Avoid offensive online behavior
Get along better with your friends
Navigate the Internet
What is an "internet troll"?
A funny emoticon made to look like a troll
Someone who participates in a message board or chat with intentions of disrupting it in some way
It's another name for a spammer