What is the meaning of "To ask someone out"?
To ask a person if she would like to go out to dinner or a show.
This means that you are in a relationship with another person.
When a friend arranges a date for you with a person he knows.
What is not a blind date?
social engagement between two people who have not previously met.
A date between two complete strangers.
Two people who knew for more than one month.
"break up" is when two people start a relationship
To have lot of baggage is..
When you are going to start a relation ship with someone who has two kids.
Person who has had hurtful experiences in the past and is letting the pain of those experiences control their behavior in a new relationship.
When someone has a healthy way to love or to have a relationship.
What is a stalker?
A person who follows someone else around in an unwanted way.
Person who you are dating.
the person that you love.
What do you say when you get along well with another person?
To hit it off.
To have chemistry.
To be set up.