Created by David Millward
over 11 years ago
What combination of factors does discrimination arise from
What makes it unlawful for one person to discriminate on racial grounds against another
Labelling and making assumptions about people is known as
Stereotyping leads to
What is discrimination
Who is Isolated & Excluded
What does OUTREACH provide
what does ADVOCACY do
effects of categorising differences
Communities of Identity
Barriers to involvement of volunteers in NDC's
What is a community?
Community Identity based on
How to address Social Exclusion
Examples of Targeted Services for the socially excluded
What is Social Exclusion?
5 targets of New Deal for Communities (NDC)
NDC leads to Neighbourhood projects such as?
Neighbourhood Projects support?
Health influenced by?
Kings Fund - what makes a healthy neighbourhood?
How to measure deprivation?
Two types of Poverty
Impact of Poverty (Archeson Report)
Labonte 3 dimensions of Health