chemoorganotrophs vs chemolithotrophs vs phototrophs
two types of phototrophy
What are the two types of reactions a photoautotroph performs?
Redox Equation of Photosynthesis
e- Acceptor and Donor of Oxygenic Photosynthesis
What organisms perform oxygenic photosynthesis?
e- Acceptor and Donor of Anoxygenic Photosynthesis
What organisms perform anoxygenic photosynthesis?
Oxygenic vs Anoxygenic Photosynthesis
chlorophyll vs cytochromes
Photosystem I (PSI)
Photosystem II (PSII)
Step Summary of Photosynthetic Electron Transport
e- flow in anoxygenic photosynthesis
(purple bacterium)
cyclic electron transport machinery in a purple bacterium
purple bacteria vs green sulfur bacteria vs heliobacteria e- transport
e- flow in oxygenic photosynthesis
(The Z Scheme)
Two options for e- flow in oxygenic photosynthesis
pH of Stroma vs Lumen
what protein returns oxidized P700 to ground state?
what returns oxidized P680 to ground state?
what total protons are pumped through membrane for oxidative phototrophy?
total quanta of light required for phototrophy
what pathway carries cyanobacterial PSII monomer to membrane?
Where is the photosynthetic system located?
Three Classes of Light Harvesting Pigments
LH1 and LH2 of purple bacteria
Chlorosomes of green sulfur bacteria
Phycobilisomes in Cyanobacteria