Wesley Spearman
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

A level Physical Education (Sports Psychology) Quiz on Achievement Motivation, created by Wesley Spearman on 29/11/2017.

Wesley Spearman
Created by Wesley Spearman over 7 years ago

Achievement Motivation

Question 1 of 6


What are the characteristic of a person with a NAch (Need to Achieve) approach?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Welcome competition

  • Take risks

  • Confident

  • Task persistent

  • Attribute success internally

  • Welcome feedback

  • Try to seek pride and satisfaction from performance

  • Give up easily

  • Don't like evaluation/feedback

  • Take easy options


Question 2 of 6


What are the characteristics of a person with a NAF (Need to Avoid Failure) approach?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Give up easily

  • Don't welcome feedback/evaluation

  • Take easy options

  • Lack confidence

  • Avoid 50-50 challenges

  • Task persistence

  • Takes risks

  • Welcomes feedback/evaluation

  • Confident

  • Welcome competition


Question 3 of 6


Achievement motivation is...

Select one of the following:

  • Drive to succeed - Fear of failure

  • Drive to succeed + Fear of failure


Question 4 of 6


What strategies might a coach use to develop a NAch approach?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Reinforcement

  • Attribute success internally

  • Allowing success

  • Improving confidence

  • Goal setting

  • Mental practice

  • Controlling arousal

  • Giving accurate demonstrations

  • Point out past performances

  • Verbal encouragement


Question 5 of 6


Select from the dropdown lists to complete the text.

Achievement motivation can be defined as the drive to succeed ( minus, plus ) the fear of failure. The level of achievement motivation depends on the interaction of personality and ( situation, confidence ).
Some performers have NAch approach, some performers have a NAF approach. The personalities can be innate or developed, those with the trait of approaching competition will try ( harder, less hard ) in most situations.
The performer has to gauge the probability of success in the task and the incentive gained from that success. If a task is ( easy, difficult ), the probability of success will be high but the incentive value might be low. A person with a ( NAF, NAch ) approach might choose an easy task with low incentive value. If a task is ( more, less ) difficult and has a lower probability of success, it might have a higher incentive value. A person with a ( NAch, NAF ) approach might choose a difficult task with high incentive value.


Question 6 of 6


Select from the dropdown lists to complete the text.

( Outcome, Task-related ) goals can be set to base performance on others. If the performer succeeds, pride and satisfaction and ( maintained, increased, decreased ), if the performer fails, confidence can be lowered.
( Task-related, Outcome ) goals can be set to base performance against the performer themself rather than others. This allows success to be achieved regardless of the result, thus ( maintaining, increasing, decreasing ) confidence.
