Created by J yadonknow
almost 7 years ago
What are nucleic acids?
What is the central dogma of genetic information (GI)?
How does RNA play a different role to DNA in the central dogma?
What is the structure of DNA?
How does one refer to the different carbons of the nucleotide sub-unit?
What are the 5 bases of the nucleic acids? Which are double and single ringed?
What is a nucleoside?
What are the names of the nucleosides that form DNA?
What are nucleotides?
Name four examples of a nucleotide
What are the properties of the phosphate groups?
Draw a diagram and state the nomenclature of two bonded amino acids
How many hydrogen bonds are present in base pairs that follow Chargraff's base-pairing rule?
Why is it that DNA bases tend to follow this base-pairing rule?
Describe the structure of the DNA molecule (8)
What is "base-stacking"?