This is a timed quiz.
You have 30 minutes to complete the 25 questions in this quiz.
What is the meaning of Shura ? Select one
Ash Shura is Madani Surah (True or False)
Surah Shura belongs to the family of Sab Ha wa Meem and it's number is 3rd in order. (True or False)
Wahy is to deliver the message secretly and quickly. It is a way of communication of Allah to the Prophets through Jibreel ( as ) (True or False)
The process of Wahy to the Prophet( pbuh ) was a calm and pleasant experience (True or False)
The city of Madina is known as the Mother of Towns. (True or False)
The Tribe of Jurhum were the first to settle in Macca. (True or False)
We Insan have the freedom of choice however obedience to Allah befits us. (True or False )
It is important to clarify the book of Allah. Why ? Select one or more
To warn of a Day of Gathering
There isn't any doubt about this Day
When some will be put in Jannah and some in the blazing fire for eternity
Those who desire to be guided, Allah admits them to His Mercy. (True or False )
In any matters of disagreement whether Deen or Duniya refer to Allah's Decision. (True or False)
Do not look at ones own desires but at what Allah desires. Why ? Select one or more
Allah created us so He knows whats best for us
Accept His decision and feel the contentment
We Insan are made weak, we have emotions, we will surely make mistakes
Allah has made spouse for us, from among ourselves. Why ? Select one or more
Allah cares for us, so He gives us spouse so that we take care of each others needs
They are a means of company and tranquility
Allah grants us children through our spouse
There isn't anyone like Allah. (True or False )
To some Allah gives more, to some Allah measures and gives but Allah does not completely deprive anyone His Rizq. (True or False)
Shari'aa is a clear, specified group of laws ordained by Allah. (True or False )
People don't differ due to lack of knowledge rather they differ after knowledge came to them. Such knowledge which made them Arrogant. (True or False)
Illm will not make a person righteous, however his Amal Saulaiheen will make him righteous. (True or False )
The Jews and Christians at the time of Prophet Muhammad( pbuh ) did not accept him as their Prophet. Why ? Select one or more
Arrogance and Ego
Afraid to loose their status in the society as scholars
Muhammad ( pbuh )came from Bani Ismail and not from Bani Issac
No matter how much people argue and doubt the Quran, continue to call them towards Quran. (True or False)
Their Arguments are useless in the Sight of Allah and Islam will always be victorious. (True or False )
The Quran contains nothing but the Truth and through this Book Allah commands us to be Just. (True or False )
The Mushrik of Macca would hasten for the punishment due to mockery. (True or False)
The reality is that they don't have Yakeen on the Day of Qiyamah. (True or False)
But those who have Yakeen on the day of Judgement ,fear and prepare for it. (True or False)