Al Huda Canada
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

حي على الصلاة | Let's Revive Our Salaah An in-depth study on the topic of Salaah Taught by Dr Farhat Hashmi To join through Telegram, Tap here

Al Huda Canada
Created by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago

حي على الصلاة | Let's Revive Our Salaah | Pre-Requisites of Salaah | Quiz 13

Question 1 of 5


If a person prays in a direction other than that of the Qiblah even though he could find out, then _________
______ جس نے قبلے کی طرف رخ کرکہ نماز نہ پڑھی جب کہ وہ قدرت رکھتا ہو تو

Select one of the following:

  • His prayer is Valid but he is sinful
    اس کی نماز ہو گئی پر گناہ لازم ہے

  • His prayer Is invalid
    اس کی نماز باطل

  • He should be careful next time
    آئندہ خیال رکھے


Question 2 of 5


How should we pray obligatory prayers on the plane?
فرض نماز جہاز پر کیسے پڑھیں؟

Select one of the following:

  • By standing in your place and facing the qiblah
    اپنی جگہ پر کھڑے ہو کر قبلہ رخ ہو کر

  • By going to the kitchenette area
    کچن کی جگہ پر جا کر

  • However you can
    جس طرح بھی پڑھ سکیں


Question 3 of 5


If somebody accidentally prayed in the wrong direction and realized right away then what should he do?
بھول کر/بغیر تحقیق کیے کسی اور سمت میں نماز ادا ہو گئی تو کیا کرے؟

Select one of the following:

  • He should repeat his prayer in the right direction
    نماز دہرائے درست قبلے کی طرف مڑ کر

  • The prayer is valid
    نماز ہو جائے گی

  • It doesn't matter
    کوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا


Question 4 of 5


How should one teach someone wudu?
وضو کیسے سکھانا چاہیے؟

Select one of the following:

  • One should show/teach by action
    وضو کر کے دکھانا/ سکھانا

  • By telling them
    بتا بتا کر

  • By taking out their mistakes
    غلطیاں نکال کر

  • By criticising them
    تنقید کر کے


Question 5 of 5


The condition of Qiblah is not applicable in following situations:
قبلہ رخ ہونے کی شرط کس پر ساقط ہے؟

Select one or more of the following:

  • The one who doesn't try to find it
    جو تحقیق نہ کرے

  • The sick, if he doesn't have the power
    مریض، اگر استطاعت نہ ہو

  • During extreme situations of fear
    شدید خوف کے وقت

  • The one who doesn't know about the prerequisite of Qiblah
    قبلہ کی شرط کا علم نہ ہو

  • Travelling by road in one's own car
    اپنی گاڑی پر سفر کرتے ھوئے

  • During travel for voluntary prayers
    سفر میں نفل نماز کے وقت

  • The one who can't find the Qiblah even after trying one's best
    قبلے کا تعین نہ ہو سکے کوشش کے باوجود
