Created by Czean Holgado
almost 7 years ago
What is the behaviourist approach?
Why did early behaviourists like John B. Watson reject introspection?
What is classical conditioning?
Give an example of classical conditioning and describe it briefly.
What did Pavlov's dog study show?
What is operant conditioning?
What are the two types of reinforcement?
Describe what positive reinforcement is and give an example.
Describe what negative reinforcement is, and give an example
Give an example of the behaviourist approach can be applied to real life situations.
What are the limitations of the behaviourist approach?
What is the social learning theory?
What are the several factors involved in the social learning theory?
What is vicarious reinforcement?
What is imitation?
What is identification?
What are the four mediational processes involved in the social learning theory?
Briefly describe what attention is.
Briefly describe what retention is.
Briefly describe what motor reproduction is.
Describe what motivation is in terms of the social learning theory.
What is modelling?
Evaluate the social learning theory.
Give an example of a study that demonstrates the social learning theory.
What is the cognitive approach?
What is the difference between the cognitive approach compared to other approaches like the behaviourist?
How are computer models used to study human internal mental processes?
How is the mind similar to that of a computer?
What is a schema?
What is the role of schemas in behaviour?
How can schemas affect behaviour negatively?
What is cognitive neuroscience?
How has cognitive neuroscience helped to underpin certain cognitive processes?
What are the limitations to do with the cognitive approach?
What is the biological approach?
What is the key assumption of the biological approach?
What is the genetic basis of behaviour?
Which type of studies have been helpful in supporting the influence of biological factors in behaviour?
How have these studies been used to help support the biological approach?
Why would comparing concordance rates support the biological approach?
What is a genotype?
What is a phenotype?
How does Charles Darwin's theory of evolution support the biological approach?
How do we know that the biological approach is based on reliable data?
How has the biological approach been applied to real life situations?
What are the limitations of the biological approach?
What is the psychodynamic approach?
The structure of personality consists of three parts. Name all three parts.
Briefly describe the 'Id'.
Briefly describe the 'ego'.
When does the 'ego' develop?
Name the three defence mechanisms in the 'ego'.
What is the 'superego'?
When does the superego develop?
Why does the ego have defence mechanisms?
What is repression?
What is denial?
What is displacement?
What are the 5 psychosexual stages? Name each and give the stage in which they occur.
Describe the oral stage
Describe the anal stage
Describe the phallic stage
Describe the latency stage
Describe the genital stage
What is the humanistic approach?