Jose Antonio Vazquez
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Tema 1 Meteo Quiz on 14. Icing, created by Jose Antonio Vazquez on 12/01/2018.

Jose Antonio Vazquez
Created by Jose Antonio Vazquez over 6 years ago

14. Icing

Question 1 of 10


1- At temperatures of between 0oC and -10oC clouds consist of:

Select one of the following:

  • Entirely water droplets.

  • Entirely ice crystals.

  • Mostly water vapour.

  • Mostly supercooled water droplets and a few ice crystals.


Question 2 of 10


2- Turbulent clouds are most serious from the icing standpoint because:

Select one of the following:

  • Strong vertical currents mean that a predominance of large supercooled water droplets will be present.

  • Strong vertical currents mean that a predominance of small supercooled water droplets will be present.

  • Turbulent clouds produce hail which sticks to the aircraft.

  • Turbulent clouds indicate a low freezing level.


Question 3 of 10


3- Hoar frost forms on an aircraft when:

Select one of the following:

  • The aircraft suddenly enters a cloud at below freezing temperature.

  • he aircraft in sub zero clear air suddenly enters a colder region.

  • The aircraft in sub zero clear air suddenly enters a warmer moist

  • The aircraft suddenly enters a cloud which is at higher temperature than the surrounding air.


Question 4 of 10


4- Stratus cloud of limited depth at a temperature of -5o C will most likely give:

Select one of the following:

  • Moderate to heavy rime ice.

  • Moderate to heavy glaze ice.

  • Light to moderate rime ice.

  • Light to moderate glaze ice.


Question 5 of 10


5- Most cases of serious piston engine icing occur in cloud, fog, or precipitation with a temperature range between:

Select one of the following:

  • - 10ºC to +25ºC

  • -18ºC to +5ºC

  • -10ºC to 0ºC

  • -20ºC to +15ºC


Question 6 of 10


6- Clear ice forms as a result of:

Select one of the following:

  • Large supercooled water droplets spreading as they freeze.

  • Ice pellets splattering on the aircraft.

  • Small supercooled water droplets splashing over the aircraft.

  • Water vapur freezing to the aircraft.


Question 7 of 10


7- Orographic uplift in stable conditions gives a strong vertical component to air movement thus supporting larger supercooled droplets in orographically formed cloud. Consideration should also be given to the fact that in this cloud:

Select one of the following:

  • The 0ºC isotherm will be higher.

  • The 0ºC isotherm will be lower.

  • The lapse rate will be isothermal.

  • An inversion can be anti-cyclonic.


Question 8 of 10


8- Carburettor icing is unlikely:

Select one of the following:

  • In cloud.

  • At temperatures between -10oC and -30oC.

  • In clear air.

  • When the RH is 60%.


Question 9 of 10


9- Flying 50 nm ahead of a warm front out of cloud at 1000 ft in winter, with an ambient temperature of -8oC, there is a strong risk of:

Select one of the following:

  • Hoar frost.

  • Rime icing and carburettor icing.

  • Structure damage caused by hail.

  • Clear ice in the form of rain ice.


Question 10 of 10


10- In AS cloud at FL 170 and a temperature of -20oC the airframe icing most likely to be experienced is:

Select one of the following:

  • Moderate clear icing.

  • Light rime icing.

  • Hoar frost.

  • Severe clear icing.
