Created by mad-megz165
over 11 years ago
Loftus and Palmer (1974)
PP's: EX1. 45 uni students split into 5 groups.
EX2. 150 uni students split into 3 groups.
Method: both studies were lab experiments using independent measure design. The possible words were smashed, collied, contacted, bumped + hit.
EX2. 2/3 group were asked with the words smashed and hit. The other group was not asked a question at all.
Results EX1: 'Smashed' produced the fastest speed estimate and 'contacted' the slowest.
EX2: Again 'smashed' was highest. More pp's in the 'smashed' group recalled seeing broken than both the 'hit' and control group.
Conclusion: The way a question is phrased can influence and persons response.