This is a timed quiz.
You have 30 minutes to complete the 20 questions in this quiz.
Surah Zukhruf is a Madani Surah (True or False)
Surah Zukhruf is 3rd in number belonging to the family of Haa Meem. (True or False)
The Quran is the creation of Allah (True or False)
The Quran is Select one or more
One which is clear and makes things clear
Revealed in the most eloquent language
Kalaam( Speech ) of Allah
No matter how sinful or evil, everyone deserves to be Reminded. (True or False)
Allah has created the Earth as a cradle for us. How ? Select one or more
The earth is safe, secure and comfortable
The earth is moving in high speed yet we don't feel dizzy or a jerk
Most perfect and suitable for our habitation
Allah created everything in pairs. How ? Select one or more
In pairs of male and female
In variety of different colors and textures in fruits
One complementing each other like black and white
What are the lessons learnt in Ayah 14 ? Select one or more
Once you are in your vehicle, get comfortable
Remember this is a blessing of Allah
Remember life too is a journey and this journey will soon come to an end
The Mushriq of Macca made portions for Allah. How ? Select one or more
They declared Angels as daughters of Allah
They would dedicate portions of their crops, some to Allah and some to the idols
Angels are a part of Allah
Angels are feminine in gender. (True or False)
Every word we have spoken is recorded and it may come as a proof against us. (True or False)
The Mushriq of Macca give a logical reason for their shirk. What are their reasons ? Select one or more
We found our forefathers practicing this faith and surely we are rightly guided by them
If Allah wished we would never have done Shirk
If Allah wished He would stop shirk, but the fact He allows, means He Approves of it
Shirk is falsehood, it has no proof or evidence. (True or False)
We need to have a conscious faith not blind belief. (True or False)
Follow only that is Revealed by Allah. (True or False)
Ibraheem( as ) did not follow his forefathers but followed evidence ie; Tauheed. (True or False)
Allah has distributed wealth, raising some in rank above others. (True or False)
This distribution is based on the love of Allah, if He loves someone He gives more wealth. (True or False)
Raising some in ranks above some in wealth is to fulfill each others needs. (True or False)
Even if we had houses made of gold and silver, yet it would only be temporary enjoyment of this duniya. (True or False)