Eva Bailén
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

You will get 4 points per questions answered correctly (0,4 in the exam)

María Jordano de la Torre
Created by María Jordano de la Torre over 7 years ago
María Jordano de la Torre
Copied by María Jordano de la Torre over 6 years ago
Eva Bailén
Copied by Eva Bailén over 6 years ago

Mock exam 2018 (Your must discount 1 points per failed answer - 0,1 in the exam, not here)

Question 1 of 21


R is …

Select one of the following:

  • one of the most famous tools to publish books online.

  • open source software to elaborate statistical studies.

  • free software to create spreadsheets.

  • open source to conduct quantitative research (mainly).


Question 2 of 21


The publication date at MLA appears ....

Select one of the following:

  • towards the end.

  • at the very begining.

  • in the middle of the reference.

  • twice in the same reference.


Question 3 of 21


Paper.li and Scoop.it are publications tools based on ...

Select one of the following:

  • curation

  • paginated material

  • blogs.

  • edited material.


Question 4 of 21


To migrate your references from RefWorks to Mendeley you need ...

Select one of the following:

  • to have an account on Google.

  • to export your RefWorks references to a format compatible with Mendeley.

  • a Premium Mendeley account.

  • to have a deep knowledge of Computer Sciences.


Question 5 of 21


To access our Wikispaces website you need to...

Select one of the following:

  • be a member of Wikispaces first.

  • click on the URL found on the virtual course.

  • receive an invitation from the teaching team.

  • use the code provided by the teaching team.


Question 6 of 21


The only place where you will not find a book from the UCM library is ....

Select one of the following:

  • Consorcio Madroño catalogue.

  • Rebiun catalog.

  • UCM Library catalogue.

  • Cisne.


Question 7 of 21


One of the advantages of Skype for Business is …

Select one of the following:

  • you can type and the same time you can talk and listen to others.

  • you can invite up to 250 users to the same conversation.

  • you can use a webcam.

  • highlight pieces of text.


Question 8 of 21


Mendeley DOES NOT allow to ...

Select one of the following:

  • annotate your pdfs.

  • share your references with others.

  • generate bibliographic lists if you have not inserted their cites in a text before.

  • create groups


Question 9 of 21


What do you need to reed fedds and RSS from other websites?

Select one of the following:

  • a statistics suites.

  • a word processor.

  • an aggregator or some email clienst.

  • a spreadsheets program.


Question 10 of 21


At Dialnet you can only read full-text articles written in Spanish

Select one of the following:

  • It is true.

  • It is false. You can find them also in English.

  • It is false. You can find them also in other languages.

  • It is false. It is not a matter of language but the University which publishes it. Most of them are Spanish even if they are written in English or Italian.


Question 11 of 21


You cannot create groups at ....

Select one of the following:

  • LinkedIn.

  • Facebook.

  • Academia.

  • Mendeley.


Question 12 of 21


LION is ...

Select one of the following:

  • a CoP for researchers.

  • a database to find out references about literature written in English

  • a database of English culture.

  • a tool to manage your bibliographic references


Question 13 of 21


To export references from Linceo to your Refworks account you must ...

Select one of the following:

  • click on "Mis Referencias" first.

  • go to "saved elements" after having selected some of them.

  • click on "Suscripciones" first.

  • copy and paste your selected references.


Question 14 of 21


To insert your references from RefWorks to your essay you must:

Select one of the following:

  • download and install Write-N-Cite.

  • use Refshare.

  • the Web Importer.

  • use Grab-it.


Question 15 of 21


With GoConqr you cannot....

Select one of the following:

  • create a single quiz collaboratelly

  • add images to your images.

  • create a mind map.

  • create a set of slides.


Question 16 of 21


Being a UNED student, from home, you can...

Select one of the following:

  • read full-text articles from different University Libraries.

  • read full-text articles from your institution previously logged in.

  • access to different databases and other electronic resources.

  • read full-text articles from other Universities previously logged in at Campus UNED.


Question 17 of 21


Thanks to ebrary (now eBook central), you can ...

Select one of the following:

  • exchange used books at UNED .

  • translate ebooks into different languages.

  • read ejournals from different providers.

  • read ebooks from home with some restrictions (previously logged in the Campus and the already mentioned plaform.


Question 18 of 21


A member of a Twitter list is...

Select one of the following:

  • a subscriber to that list.

  • somebody followed in that list.

  • a follower of a Twitter lists.

  • a concept which do not exist.


Question 19 of 21


Which of these is NOT an example of software for quantitative analysis?

Select one of the following:

  • NVivo.

  • SPSS.

  • PSPP.

  • R.


Question 20 of 21


LinkedIn is a social network based on ....

Select one of the following:

  • academic insterests.

  • linguistic factors.

  • profesional aims.

  • researching aims.


Question 21 of 21


TAW3 (tawdis.es) is ...

Select one of the following:

  • a tool to create blogs.

  • a tool which checks the accessibility of websites.

  • an open platform to host academic publications.

  • a tool to read e-books.
