nursing fairy
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

college Mental Health Quiz on Mental health chapter 10, created by nursing fairy on 03/09/2014.

nursing fairy
Created by nursing fairy about 10 years ago

Mental health chapter 10

Question 1 of 25


A male client with a diagnosis of schizophrenia begins to have hallucinations during a conversation with the nurse; this prevents him from receiving the message that the nurse is trying to communicate to him. According to Ruesch’s theory of communication, this unsuccessful interaction is called _____ communication.

Select one of the following:

  • Disturbed

  • Nontherapeutic

  • Blocked

  • Therapeutic


Question 2 of 25


The theorist Eric Berne theorized that an individual’s three ego states of parent, child, and adult make up one’s:

Select one of the following:

  • Conscience

  • Personality

  • Thought processes

  • Ability to communicate


Question 3 of 25


The nursing student is assigned a client to interview and is asked to practice the therapeutic communication technique of sharing perceptions. Which statement made by the student nurse best describes this technique?

Select one of the following:

  • “I noticed that you pace the halls, and you have a tense look on your face. I sense
    that you are anxious about something.”

  • “Can you tell me more about how you feel when you are arguing with your

  • “I would like to talk with you about your plan of care.”

  • “Tell me if I understand you correctly.”


Question 4 of 25


The nurse is talking with a male client regarding his recent relapse of alcohol addiction. The client alludes to the fact that he started to drink again after a fight with his wife. The nurse uses clarification to ensure an accurate understanding of the client. Which statement is the best example of clarification?

Select one of the following:

  • “You said that the fight you had with your wife caused you to start drinking again?”

  • “Let’s discuss what made you feel the need to drink.”

  • “Could you tell me again when and what happened that you feel caused you to
    start drinking again?”

  • “Tell me what your childhood was like.”


Question 5 of 25


A female client discusses her feelings of jealousy regarding the relationship between her mother and her daughter. The nurse responds in a nontherapeutic way by making a statement that is defensive and challenging. Which statement is the best example of a defensive and challenging nontherapeutic response?

Select one of the following:

  • “Tell me more about the feelings you have regarding their relationship.”

  • “I think that you should tell them how you feel.”

  • “Let’s not talk about that right now.”

  • “Don’t you think that you should be thankful that your daughter has a good
    relationship with her grandmother?”


Question 6 of 25


A female client has been attending group therapy for support regarding an abusive relationship with her husband. The client voices concern about her 10-year-old daughter growing up in this environment but states that she just can’t find the strength to leave her husband. The nurse responds by using the nontherapeutic technique of reassuring. Which statement is the best example of this nontherapeutic technique?

Select one of the following:

  • “I can’t believe that you would want your daughter to grow up in this environment.”

  • “I understand your concern. Let me give you some information on our local council for domestic abuse.”

  • “I’m sure it won’t be that bad to be out on your own. I know you can do it.”

  • “I think you should not think about leaving and should just do it.”


Question 7 of 25


Therapeutic communication techniques support effective communication between the client and the nurse. Which group of therapeutic techniques is most likely to be effective when one is conversing with a client?

Select one of the following:

  • Broad openings, restating, and advising

  • Clarification, focusing, and confrontation

  • Listening, silence, and reflection

  • Humor, informing, and reassuring


Question 8 of 25


While the nurse is talking with a female client, the client becomes silent for several seconds. Which is the nurse’s best response?

Select one of the following:

  • To interpret this action as an indication that the client is finished with the

  • To ask the client a question so the interaction can continue

  • To remain silent and be attentive to the client’s nonverbal communication

  • To tell the client that help can be more effective if she shares her feelings


Question 9 of 25


A client who usually is very active in her therapy group tells the nurse that she really does “not feel well today” and would “rather not attend the group therapy session.” Which is the nurse’s most appropriate response?

Select one of the following:

  • “You don’t feel like attending the group therapy today?”

  • “I will just stay with you for a while.”

  • “It’s okay to skip a session every once in a while.”

  • “Why don’t you want to attend group therapy?”


Question 10 of 25


The nurse is talking with a male client with a diagnosis of schizophrenia who often experiences auditory hallucinations. For this communication to be most effective, the nurse should:

Select one of the following:

  • Sit with the client and encourage him to not verbalize.

  • Do most of the talking.

  • Discuss several different topics to keep the client’s attention.

  • Use simple, concrete language.


Question 11 of 25


The nurse’s ability to interpret communication effectively in the mental health setting depends mostly on:

Select one of the following:

  • How well the client communicates

  • The nurse’s relationship with the client

  • The nurse’s understanding of mental health disorders

  • The nurse’s ability to listen to and observe the client’s verbal and nonverbal


Question 12 of 25


Which nurse response is the best example of the therapeutic principle of respect?

Select one of the following:

  • “I’m interested in what you have to say.”

  • “Describe how you are feeling for me.”

  • “I hear how worried you are about your future and can imagine how you feel.”

  • “You signed a contract stating that you would let me know when you have those


Question 13 of 25


A female client is being discharged from an inpatient mental health unit after receiving treatment for bipolar disorder. She has responded well to treatment but voices concern about going home and maintaining balance in her life. The client would benefit most by a response from the nurse that conveyed the therapeutic communication principle of:

Select one of the following:

  • Permission

  • Respect

  • Interest

  • Protection


Question 14 of 25


A nurse has just graduated from nursing school and has been hired on a mental health unit. The nurse wants to practice good communication skills with clients but knows that a mistake made by many new nurses in trying to communicate effectively involves:

Select one of the following:

  • Focusing

  • Parroting

  • Restating

  • Clarifying


Question 15 of 25


A client has difficulty in communicating as a result of his illness. He displays a rapid, confusing delivery of speech patterns. Which term best describes this difficulty in communicating?

Select one of the following:

  • Aphasia

  • Dyslexia

  • Speech cluttering

  • Incongruent communications


Question 16 of 25


When practicing therapeutic communication with a client, the nurse demonstrates which of the following listening skills?

Select one of the following:

  • Finishing the client’s sentences to indicate listening

  • Not clarifying messages to avoid interrupting

  • Avoiding taking notes to detract from listening

  • Changing the environment to decrease distractions


Question 17 of 25


The nurse asks a client how she is feeling, and the client provides a detailed description of
everything she is experiencing.This is an example of:

Select one of the following:

  • Echolalia

  • Circumstantiality

  • Neologism

  • Perseveration


Question 18 of 25


The client tells the nurse that she believes there is no improvement in her manic episodes. Her clothing matches, and her makeup is more subdued. She sits quietly in the chair during the session. What does this indicate?

Select one of the following:

  • Verbal communication takes priority.

  • Verbal communication is not congruent with nonverbal communication.

  • Nonverbal communication indicates the client is lying.

  • Nonverbal communication should take priority.


Question 19 of 25


When the adolescent client is asked about the magazine she is reading, she responds, “It’s an article about my favorite movie star. Did you see all the stars out last night? I used to be
afraid of the dark at night." Which speech pattern is this an example of?

Select one of the following:

  • Echolalia

  • Flight of ideas

  • Loose association

  • Neologism


Question 20 of 25


Which elements must be present for communication to occur? (Select all that apply.)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Feedback

  • Transmission

  • Sender

  • Clarification

  • Receiver

  • Focusing

  • Context


Question 21 of 25


Which interventions assist the nurse to effectively communicate with clients from other cultures? (Select all that apply.)

Select one or more of the following:

  • The nurse adapts his or her behavior to accommodate the difference in
    communication styles.

  • The nurse identifies and clarifies confusion during the interaction.

  • The nurse recognizes the difference between communication styles and assists the
    client to change to the nurse’s communication style.

  • The nurse uses a limited number of slang terms when communicating with the


Question 22 of 25


Which nurse responses could block effective communication with a client? (Select all that apply.)

Select one or more of the following:

  • “This is what I think you should say...”

  • “Don’t stress over it. Everything will turn out fine.”

  • “Why did you do that?”

  • “Most people in your circumstance...”


Question 23 of 25


In order to be therapeutic when communicating with a client living in a homeless shelter, it is important to apply which techniques? (Select all that apply.)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Show acceptance and respect.

  • Avoid clarifying terms.

  • Use medical terminology to avoid talking down.

  • Consider the client’s environment.

  • Assess client’s pattern of verbal and nonverbal communication.


Question 24 of 25


Communication is the transferring between people of information, including ideas, beliefs, feelings, and attitudes.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 25 of 25


During the process of communication, a chain of events occurs as soon as the message is sent. Steps in this chain include transmission, perception, and evaluation. Place these steps in proper chronological order. (Separate letters by a comma and space as follows: A, B, C.)

Select one of the following:

  • A,C,B

  • C,A,B

  • A,B,C

  • B,C,A
