Created by Leanne McMahon
over 11 years ago
Self actualisation.
In humanistic psychology, this is a term in Maslows theory of motivation. It refers to the drive towards self fulfillment, to develop to ones potential and to become everything that one is capable of becoming.
How this need is expressed is dependent on the individual it could be artistic, athletic, being a good parent. Both Maslow and Rogers believe that if the sonditions are right self actualisation will occur spontaneously, though it is not clear that this is neccessarily the case.
Trait theories of personality
Personality traits describe characteristics which are enduring across time, e.g 'caring' or 'excitable'.
Examples of trait theories are Catell's 16PF, Costa & McCraes OCEAN and Goldbergs Big Five, which is still under construction. The underlying indication from this research points towards a biological origin for some traits.
Criticism of oedipal conflict
It is cristicised for it's lack of universal application as it seems to reflect Freuds personal experience with his father and his Jewish roots. It has also been suggested that development of boys and girl may be more related to cultural practices than anatomical concerns.
This conflict is unconcious. Intrapsychic conflict creates anxiety (Angst), which can be alleviated through the use of unconcious defence mechanisms. For example, unacceptable impulses may be repressed, i.e. pushed out of concious awareness.
Personal Constructs.
A theory devised by Kelly, these are ways in which people make sense of their world. Constructs are bipolar, e.g friendly-cold or interseting-boring and personal in that different people use different constructs.A reperatory grid is used to find individuals patterns of constructs (see reperatory grid).
Different combinations of three of these elements are then selected, and the client is then asked to say how any two are alike and the third is different.
Finally, each element is given a numerical value for each construct. Where similar values are given to elements across different constructs, it suggests that these different constructs are being used in similar ways.
Oedipal Conflict.
Describes the psychosexual stage associated with boys during the phallic phase. It is a period when the child is becoming aware of his postion in the family unit, more specifically that his father takes precedence with is mother.
This is resolved by introjection with the father, which basically means taking on the characteristics of his father and is thought to contribute to the development of the super ego or conscience