THE SPINAL CORD: Functions. What are the 3?
THE SPINAL CORD: location of the spinal cord. What does it run through? Extends from where to where?
THE SPINAL CORD: what is the conus medullaris? How is it shaped?
THE SPINAL CORD: filum terminale. What is it made of? Where does it go? Attaches to the coccyx where? Made of?
THE SPINAL CORD: cervical and lumbar enlargements. What comes out?
THE SPINAL CORD: cauda equine. What is it collection of? Where is it located? How are they in spinal cord?
THE SPINAL CORD: spinal nerves. What is it? How many pairs? Where do they lie?
PROTECTION OF THE SPINAL CORD: protected from injury by?
PROTECTION OF THE SPINAL CORD: meninges. Explain dura mater? Arachnoid matter? Pia matter? What type of layer is it? Extends to? Explain denticulate ligamnets?
PROTECTION OF THE SPINAL CORD: CSF. Fills what? Carries what between part of the CNS? Provides _________ cushion? And provides _________? Removes? What is not suppose to be in CSF?
BASIC PARTS & ORGANIZATIONS OF BRAIN: divided into how many regions? What are those regions?
VENTRICLES OF THE BRAIN: exapansion of? Filled with what and lined with? What are they continuous with?
VENTRICLES OF THE BRAIN: lateral ventricles. Located where? What shape?
VENTRICLES OF THE BRAIN: third ventricles. Lies where? Connected with? What does cerebral aqueduct connect?
VENTRICLES OF THE BRAIN: forth ventricle. Lies where? Connects what of the spinal cord?
THE BRAIN STEM: what part of the brain is it? What does caudal mean? What are the three major regions?
THE BRAIN STEM: functions. Passageway for fiber tracts between? Innervation of? Produces what? Integrates?
THE BRAIN STEM: Medulla Oblongata. Continuous with what at where? What CN? Describe pyramids? Points of decussation?
Medulla Oblongata: functions. What are the three things it regulates?
THE BRAIN STEM: Pons. A "bridge" between what? How is it separated? From where? What CN?
THE PONS: Functions. What does it control inputs for? What does it regulate? (there are 8)
THE BRAIN STEM: Midbrain. Where does it lie?
THE BRAIN STEM: Midbrain- Cerebral Aqueduct. What cavity is it? What is another name for "roof"? What type of attachment?
THE BRAIN STEM: Midbrain- Periaqueductal Gray Matter. Surrounds what? What type of reaction does it produce? Mediates what?
THE BRAIN STEM: Midbrain- Substantia Nigra. Works with? Sends what? Controls what? Sickness and 1 s/s?
THE BRAIN STEM: Midbrain- Red Nucleus. What type of function? What type of movements of limbs?
THE BRAIN STEM: Midbrain- Corpora Quadrigemina. Explain superior colliculi? Explain inferior colliculi?
THE CEREBELLUM: functions. What does it do for body movements? Helps with? Receives?
THE CEREBELLUM: structure. There are 7 parts.
THE DIENCEPHALON: Thalamus. Makes up how much of the Diencephalon? What type of area? Acts as? Surrounds what?
THE DIENCEPHALON: Hypothalamus. Where is it located?
THE DIENCEPHALON: Hypothalamus. Controls what? What type of regulation? Intake of what? What type of rhythms? What type of secretions? What type of responses? What type of behavior? What type of formation?
THE DIENCEPHALON: Epithalamus. What part of diencephalon? Forms what? Pineal gland secretes what?