Created by Tameka
over 11 years ago
Anatomy of a long bone
Anatomy of a long bone
Anatomy of a long bone
Anatomy of a long bone
Medullary cavity
Anatomy of a long bone
Articualr cavity
Anatomy of a long bone
Articualr cavity
Anatomy of a long bone
Spongy/ cancellous
Anatomy of a long bone
Compact bone
What are the three basic functions of a muscle
What are the three types of muscles tissue
Describe skeletal muscles
Smooth Muscles
What are the 6 major locations of smooth muscle
Cardiac msucle
Define the muscle tissue properties
Slow twitch muscles
Fast twitch muscle fibres
List the 3 types of joints
Define a fibourus joint and give and example
Define a Cartiliginous joint and give an example
Define a synovial joint and the 2 types of movement
Gliding linear movent
Define the therer angular movement supgroups
Define a hinge joint
Define an ellipsoid joint and give an example
Define an ellipsoid joint and give an example
Define an condyloid joint and give an example
Define a saddel joint and give an example
Define a ball and socket joint and give an example