If it is a subject in a sentence and ends in a consonant the particle is
If it is a subject in a sentence and ends in a vowel the particle is
If it is an object in a sentence and ends in a consonant the particle is
If it is an object in a sentence and ends in a vowel the particle is
If the basic verb ends in 하다 the informal polite is
If the basic verb ends in ㅗ/ㅏ the informal polite is
If the basic verb ends in consonant (basically everything else) the informal polite is
What is the Korean sentence structure?
Make a sentence with these words:
(rabbit) 토끼 (carrot) 당근 (eat) 먹어요
Make a sentence with these words:
(dad) 아빠 (me) 나 (money) 돈 (give) 줘요
Make a sentence with these words:
(Friend) 친구 (Hair band) 머리띠 (Buy) 사요
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
자다 (Sleep)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
가다 (go)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
하다 (do)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
먹다 (eat)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
읽다 (read)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
마시다 (drink)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
청소하다 (clean)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
요리하다 (cook)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
맛있다 (be yummy)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
공부하다 (study)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
쉬다 (rest)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
배우다 (learn)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
만나다 (meet)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
보다 (see/watch)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
일하다 (work)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
운동하다 (exercise)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
재미있다 (be fun)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
오다 (come)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
좋다 (be good)
Change verb from basic to informal polite:
싸다 (be cheap)
Add the correct particles to the sentences
토끼( ) 사과( ) 먹어요
Add the correct particles to the sentences
토끼( ) 과가( ) 먹어요
Add the correct particles to the sentences
고양이( ) 사과( ) 먹어요
Add the correct particles to the sentences
곰( ) 사과( ) 먹어요
Add the correct particles to the sentences
말( ) 사과( ) 먹어요
Add the correct particles to the sentences
기린( ) 사과( ) 먹어요
Add the correct particles to the sentences
기린( ) 당근( ) 먹어요
Add the correct particles to the sentences
곰( ) 빵( ) 먹어요
Add the correct particles to the sentences
곰( ) 라면( ) 먹어요
Add the correct particles to the sentences and change to informal polite
나( ) 커피( ) 마사다
Add the correct particles to the sentences and change to informal polite
안겔라( ) 한국어( ) 공부하다
what does 아빠 mean?
what does 찌개 mean?
what does 쓰레기 mean?
what does 뽀뽀 mean?
what does 머리띠 mean?
what does 토끼 mean?
what does 일주일 mean?
what does 월요일 mean?
what does 화요일 mean?
what does 수요일 mean?
what does 목요일 mean?
what does 금요일 mean?
what does 주중 mean?
what does 토요일mean?
what does 일요일 mean?
what does 주말 mean?