What are the two types of epithelia?
Examples of covering and lining epithelia are
Examples of glandular epithelia
What is the function of covering and lining epithelial tissue?
Examples of covering and lining epithelia in the eye
Describe the apical surface of the epithelial tissue
Describe the basal surface of the epithelial tissue
True or false?
Epithelial tissues have a high rate of regeneration
What are the three basic types of membrane junctions?
What is the function of tight junctions/zonula occludens?
What is an example of a tight junction in the eye and what is its function?
What is the function of the anchoring junction?
What is the function of the gap junction?
A single layer epithelium is called?
An epithelium with two or more layers of cells is called?
Describe squamous cells
Describe cuboidal cells
Describe columnar cells
Examples of simple squamous epithelia
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
Stratified cuboidal epithelia
Stratified columnar epithelia
What type of epithelia is located where the stressors are severe?
What are endocrine glands?
What are exocrine glands?
What are Meibomian/Tarsal glands?
What are the glands of Zeis?
What are the glands of Moll?
Goblet cells
What does the merocrine mode of secretion involve?
What does the holocrine mode of secretion involve?
What type of secretion occurs in the Meibomian/Tarsal glands?
All connective tissue contains?
What are the extracellular proteins fibres?
What is the purpose of ground substance/viscous fluid?
What are the components of ground substance?
What are some examples of connective tissue proper?
What are some examples of supporting connective tissue?
What components make up the matrix of connective tissue?
What is the purpose of the fixed cells of the loose connective tissue?
What are some examples of fixed cells?
What is the purpose of wandering cells of the loose connective tissue?
What are some examples of wandering cells?
What is the function of areolar tissue?
Where is areolar tissue in the body?
What is the function of adipose tissue?
Where is adipose tissue located in the body?
What is the function of dense regular connective tissue?
Where is dense regular connective tissue in the body?
What is the function of dense irregular connective tissue?
Where in the body is dense irregular connective tissue?
What are 5 functions of bone?
What are the 4 classifications of bone by shape?
What is the outer surface of bone and how many layer does it have?
What are the components of the outer fibrous layer of the periosteum?
What are the components for the inner cellular/osteogenic layer of the periosteum?
What is the endosteum?
Osteoid is secreted by ....... and it contains ........ and ............
What are ostocytes?
2/3 of total bone mass is made up of what?
What are canaliculi?
What cells are responsible for resorbing bone during bone remodelling?
What are some functions of skeletal muscle?
Muscle is bundled into ...... and they are wrapped by their own layer of connective tissue called ........
The muscle fibres within each fasicle are separated by a layer of connective tissue called ....
Whole muscles are covered by a dense layer of collagen fibres called ....
Compare the position and number of nuclei in cells of skeletal muscle vs smooth muscle?
What is the smallest functional unit of a muscle fibre?
Where is the H zone and what is it made of?
What is the Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)?
What are the two functional divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System?
What are the two principle cell types in nervous tissue?
What is the function of astrocytes?
What is the purpose of oligodendrocytes?
What is the function of satellite cells?
What is the function of Schwann cells?
What are dendrites?
Compare myelination in CNS and PNS?
What are anaxonic neurons?
What are bipolar neurons?
What are unipolar neurons?
What are multipolar neurons?
What is epineurium?
What is perineurium?
What is endoneurium?