Created by Tara McLaughlin
over 6 years ago
What are the main bony components of the hard palate?
What is the structure called that houses the upper teeth?
What are the three foramina called on the hard palate?
Which nerve runs through the incisive fossa?
What are the transverse folds called on the inferior surface of the hard palate?
What is the median longitudinal ridge called that forms on the hard palate
What structure overlies the incisive fossa on the hard palate?
What structure can be found hanging on the posterior free margin of the soft palate?
What is the palatine aponeurosis an expansion of?
Which structures form the majority of the posterior part of the soft palate?
What are the structures the arrows are pointing to?
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the tensor veli palatini muscle?
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the levator veli palatini muscle?
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the palatoglossus muscle?
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the palatopharyngeus muscle?
What are the attachments, innervation and action of the musculus uvulae muscle?