Joe Jorgensen
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Water distribution 2 practice test

Joe Jorgensen
Created by Joe Jorgensen over 6 years ago

Distribution 2 Quiz 3

Question 1 of 100


Which two acids are formed when chlorine gas is mixed with water?

Select one of the following:

  • Citric acid and hydrochloric acid

  • Hypochlorous acid and dichloramine

  • Hypochlorous acid and monochloramine

  • Hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid


Question 2 of 100


Which of the following is a disinfection by-product (DBP)?

Select one of the following:

  • Methane

  • Chlorine

  • Trihalomethane

  • Chloramine


Question 3 of 100


_____________ is a DBP precursor

Select one of the following:

  • Natural organic matter

  • Arsenic

  • Nitrate

  • Lead


Question 4 of 100


Which of the following is a velocity meter?

Select one of the following:

  • Nutating disk

  • Propeller

  • Piston

  • Compound


Question 5 of 100


What is true about a pipe with a C value of 100?

Select one of the following:

  • Very smooth interior

  • Very strong pipe

  • Very weak pipe

  • Very rough interior


Question 6 of 100


Which of the following is a map that provides an overall view of the entire distribution system, and includes treatment plants, wells, reservoirs, mains, hydrants, and valves?

Select one of the following:

  • Combination map

  • Conditional map

  • Comprehensive map

  • Process schematic


Question 7 of 100


Which terminology refers to the bottom of a pipe interior?

Select one of the following:

  • Invert

  • Crown

  • Lateral

  • Subsurface


Question 8 of 100


Which of the following best describes transpiration?

Select one of the following:

  • The process by which atmospheric moisture falls onto land

  • The process by which water vapor is released to the atmosphere by living plants

  • The conversion of vapor to liquid

  • The conversion of liquid to solid


Question 9 of 100


Choose the best answer regarding coliform sampling.

Select one of the following:

  • Samples are taken based on the number of complaints received during the prior month

  • All samples are taken at the largest tank sites

  • Samples must be taken in accordance with an approved sampling plan

  • Samples are taken based on the total length of water main


Question 10 of 100


What is the purpose of a venturi?

Select one of the following:

  • Measure pH

  • Measure amount of tuberculation in a pipe

  • Measure the water depth in a tank

  • Measure flow rate


Question 11 of 100


Which terminology is used to describe the upper surface of an unconfined aquifer?

Select one of the following:

  • Borehole

  • Drawdown

  • Water table

  • Zone of influence


Question 12 of 100


What must be worn before entering a room with a chlorine gas leak?

Select one of the following:

  • Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)

  • Lanyard

  • Harness

  • Cable


Question 13 of 100


How are disinfection by-products formed?

Select one of the following:

  • Chlorine reacts with arsenic

  • Chlorine reacts with nitrate

  • Chlorine reacts with iron

  • Chlorine reacts with natural organic matter


Question 14 of 100


What is true about positive displacement pumps?

Select one of the following:

  • It is commonly used to pump groundwater from a well

  • Never operate it with the discharge valve closed because it could rupture the discharge pipe

  • Flow rate varies with change in pressure

  • An impeller is used to move water


Question 15 of 100


Which of the following is a strong base?

Select one of the following:

  • pH = 6

  • pH = 7

  • pH = 14

  • pH = 1


Question 16 of 100


Which of the following is a non-transient, non-community water system?

Select one of the following:

  • School

  • Park

  • Motel

  • Restaurant


Question 17 of 100


How many feet above the top of a trench must a ladder extend?

Select one of the following:

  • At least 5 feet above the top of the trench

  • At least 4 feet above the top of the trench

  • At least 3.5 feet above the top of the trench

  • At least 3 feet above the top of the trench


Question 18 of 100


What is the purpose of a pitot gauge?

Select one of the following:

  • Test water quality

  • Determine flow rate

  • Test corrosivity of water

  • Check strength of pipe


Question 19 of 100


What is true about a fusible plug on a chlorine cylinder?

Select one of the following:

  • It is used to remove chlorine from a cylinder

  • It is where chlorine is refilled by an operator

  • It is a safety device that must never be removed

  • It is primarily used to lift the chlorine cylinder


Question 20 of 100


What is methemogrlobinemia

Select one of the following:

  • Toxic gas

  • Disease caused by lead

  • Ailment caused by coliform

  • Blue Baby Syndrome


Question 21 of 100


Which law set the national drinking water standards?

Select one of the following:

  • Safe Drinking Water Act

  • Federal Water Act

  • National Potable Water Act

  • Federal Drinking Water Rule


Question 22 of 100


Which of the following is true about coliform sampling?

Select one of the following:

  • Monthly sampling requirements are based on the total length of service laterals in the distribution system

  • Routine coliform monitoring frequency for a community water system is based on the size of the population served.

  • Monthly sampling requirements are based on the peak demand

  • Monthly sampling requirements are based on the total length of water main in the distribution system


Question 23 of 100


__________________ is a type of centrifugal pump.

Select one of the following:

  • Plunger pump

  • Piston pump

  • Vertical tubrine pump

  • Diaphragm pump


Question 24 of 100


Which of the following is true regarding Tier 2 of the Public Notification Rule?

Select one of the following:

  • Customers must be notified as soon as possible, but wtihin 30 days if a contaminant that doesn't pose an immediate health risk exceeds the MCL

  • Customers must be notified within 24 hours if there is potential for human health to be immediately impacted

  • Customers must be notified within a year if a required water sample was not taken

  • Customers must be notified within 48 hours if there is potential for human health to be immediately impacted


Question 25 of 100


What is flexural strength of a pipe?

Select one of the following:

  • Force required to pull a pipe to the point of failure

  • Compressive force

  • Ability of a pipe to resist tensile force

  • Ability of a pipe to bend without breaking


Question 26 of 100


___________________ are types of impeller for a centrifugal pump.

Select one of the following:

  • Semi-open and closed

  • Positive and negative

  • Mechanical and packing

  • Cation and anion


Question 27 of 100


What is the maximum practical suction lift for a centrifugal pump?

Select one of the following:

  • 50 feet

  • Between 1 and 5 feet

  • Between 15 and 25 feet

  • 75 feet


Question 28 of 100


What is a Consumer Confidence Report?

Select one of the following:

  • An annual report that summarizes the finances of the water purveyor

  • An annual report that projects the water demand for the next five years

  • An annual water quality report to customers regarding their drinking water

  • A bi-annual report that evaluates the reliability of the water system in case of a catastrophe


Question 29 of 100


What is back-siphonage?

Select one of the following:

  • Backflow from a house with higher water pressure than the adjacent water main

  • Reverse flow from a factory pump to the water distribution system

  • Unprotected connection between a non-potable water source and teh water distribution system

  • Backflow due to negative pressure in the water system


Question 30 of 100


What is used to test for leakages in pipes?

Select one of the following:

  • Pitot gauge

  • Pressure testing

  • Anode

  • Swab


Question 31 of 100


What is a grout seal in a well?

Select one of the following:

  • A deal used to minimize water leakage from a well pump

  • The gasket used to connect the well casings to the pump

  • Concrete foundation for the well pump

  • Grout placed outside of the well casing to prevent contamination of the aquifer


Question 32 of 100


What will cause a well pump to backspin after pumping has stopped?

Select one of the following:

  • Cone of depression

  • Cavitation

  • An open check valve

  • A damaged air release valve


Question 33 of 100


____________________ is commonly implemented to resolve taste and odor issues in the water distribution system.

Select one of the following:

  • Flushing

  • Adding polymer

  • Adding copper sulfate

  • Injecting sodium thiosulfate


Question 34 of 100


What would trigger a Level 1 Assessment for a distribution system that collects at least 40 total coliform samples per month?

Select one of the following:

  • More than 10% of samples collected are total coliform positive

  • More than 5% of samples are total coliform positive

  • More than 7% of samples are total coliform positive

  • More than 12% of samples collected are total coliform postive


Question 35 of 100


What is residual drawdown?

Select one of the following:

  • The difference between the static water level and pumping water level

  • The lowering of the water table by an adjacent well pump

  • If the water level in a well does not return to its original static water level after pumping has stopped, the vertical distance it falls short is the residual drawdown

  • The difference between the ground surface and the pumping water level


Question 36 of 100


What problem occurs when the water has low pH?

Select one of the following:

  • Scaling

  • High alkalinity

  • Stratification

  • Corrosion


Question 37 of 100


What is recover time for a well?

Select one of the following:

  • The run time of a well pump

  • The time it takes to cool a well pump

  • The time required for the water level to return to the static water level after pumping has stopped

  • The time it takes to pump the maximum flow rate after the pump has started


Question 38 of 100


Which disinfectant is most widely used for a public water system?

Select one of the following:

  • Chloramine

  • Chlorine

  • UV

  • Ozone


Question 39 of 100


What is the purpose of a coupon in a water distribution system?

Select one of the following:

  • Remove tuberculation

  • Check the corrosiveness of water

  • Relieve excess pressure

  • Used to make a hot tap


Question 40 of 100


What is a zone of influence for a well?

Select one of the following:

  • The area that covers the limits of cone of depression

  • The difference between the static water level and the pumping water level

  • The water level in the well when the pump is operating

  • The water level in the well when the pump has been turned off


Question 41 of 100


What is one of the main benefits of repairing a water main while it is pressurized?

Select one of the following:

  • Safety of construction employees

  • Helps remove tuberculation

  • Allows crew to check the interior condition of the pipe

  • Minimizes the chances of contaminating the water supply


Question 42 of 100


What is the recommended minimum horizontal separation between a new water main and an existing gravity sewer?

Select one of the following:

  • 1 foot

  • 5 feet

  • 10 feet

  • 20 feet


Question 43 of 100


What must be done if a repeat sample tests positive for total coliform bacteria?

Select one of the following:

  • Test sample for Giardia

  • Test sample for E. coli

  • Test sample for Cryptosporidium

  • Test sample for viruses


Question 44 of 100


What is dichloramine?

Select one of the following:

  • Free residual chlorine

  • A chemical used to dechlorinate water

  • Combined residual chlorine

  • Hypochlorous acid


Question 45 of 100


What is used to check for fecal contamination in a water distribution system?

Select one of the following:

  • Presence / absence test for coliform bacteria

  • Cryptosporidium test

  • Virus analysis

  • Test for Gieardia


Question 46 of 100


What is an appropriative water right?

Select one of the following:

  • A water right that is aquired with title to land, bordering surface water

  • A water right that is acquired through adverse possession of someone else's water right

  • A water right for a homeownder who purchased property adjacent to a river

  • A water right that is acquired for the beneficial use of water by following a specific legal procedure


Question 47 of 100


What is holding time?

Select one of the following:

  • The time it takes to prime a pump

  • Elapsed time between sample collection and analysis

  • The time it takes chlorine to react with ammonia

  • The time it takes to flush a hydrant


Question 48 of 100


Which water source is most protected from pathogens?

Select one of the following:

  • River

  • Lake

  • Deep well

  • Shallow aquider


Question 49 of 100


What is a radial well?

Select one of the following:

  • Artesian well

  • Shallow well

  • A pilot well

  • A caisson with horizontally drilled wells


Question 50 of 100


What is the purpose of packing in a pump?

Select one of the following:

  • Minimize leakage, while allowing a slight leak

  • Completely stop leakage

  • Impart velocity to the water

  • Protect shaft from excessive wear-and-tear


Question 51 of 100


What is the purpose of seal water in a pump?

Select one of the following:

  • Increase pump pressure

  • Cool and lubricate the packings

  • Cool the motor

  • Clean the impeller


Question 52 of 100


What is the purpose of a mechanical seal?

Select one of the following:

  • Create a water-tight bell and spigot joint for a pipe

  • Prevent surface water from contaminating the aquifer

  • Connect a new water main to an existing pipe

  • Prevent leakage from a pump


Question 53 of 100


Which valve is commonly used in control valves?

Select one of the following:

  • Gate valve

  • Globe valve

  • Butterfly valve

  • Air release valve


Question 54 of 100


Which terminology means "a sudden change in water pressure, caused by quickly opening or closing a valve?"

Select one of the following:

  • Corrosion

  • Tuberculation

  • Water Hammer

  • Cavitation


Question 55 of 100


What type of sample should be used to test for bacteria?

Select one of the following:

  • Grab sample

  • Composite sample

  • Comprehensive sample

  • Mixed sample


Question 56 of 100


_______________ is a condition in which dissolved oxygen is present in water?

Select one of the following:

  • Anaerobic

  • Aerobic

  • Thermocline

  • Hydrophobic


Question 57 of 100


Which of the following is a secondary containment?

Select one of the following:

  • Aresenic

  • Nitrate

  • Manganese

  • Lead


Question 58 of 100


What is true about a hydropneumatic tank?

Select one of the following:

  • Always sized for fire flow

  • Often used at a water treatment plant to store treated water

  • Typically found in large water systems to provide water via gravity flow

  • Provides inadequate fire protection


Question 59 of 100


What is the purpose of a thrust block in a water distribution system?

Select one of the following:

  • Stop the flow of water

  • Restrain and prevent movement of the piping system

  • Push air bubbles out of the water main

  • A pump station that adds significant head to the water


Question 60 of 100


What is the chlorine residual if the chlorine does is 3.3 mg/L and the chlorine demand is 1.2 mg/l?

Select one of the following:

  • 4.5 mg/L

  • 1.2 mg/L

  • 2.2 mg/L

  • 2.1 mg/L


Question 61 of 100


Which of the following is a primary contaminant?

Select one of the following:

  • Iron

  • Manganese

  • Nitrate

  • Chloride


Question 62 of 100


How often should large water meters be tested?

Select one of the following:

  • Every 1-4 years

  • Every 5-7 years

  • Bi-Monthly

  • Monthly


Question 63 of 100


What is the purpose of using a jumper cable when removing a water meter?

Select one of the following:

  • Corrosion control

  • Maintain proper alignment of the service lateral

  • Prevent settling of the meter box

  • Avoid electrical shock


Question 64 of 100


How does water temperature affect the effectiveness of chlorine?

Select one of the following:

  • Chlorine becomes less effective as the water temperature becomes warmer

  • The higher the temperature, the more rapid the rate of disinfection

  • Water temperature does not impact the effectiveness of chlorine

  • Chlorine effectiveness significantly fluctuates as the water temperature increases


Question 65 of 100


What is per capita water usage?

Select one of the following:

  • The total amount of water used within a water distribution system each month

  • The total amount of water used by a water district each year

  • Average day demand divided by the total number of people served

  • The total amount of water used by a family in one year


Question 66 of 100


Which chemical is commonly used as a liquid disinfectant in the water industry?

Select one of the following:

  • Sodium hypochlorite

  • Sodium chloride

  • Sodium hydroxide

  • Calcium hypochlorite


Question 67 of 100


What is a volatile substance?

Select one of the following:

  • Inorganic matter

  • Organic matter

  • All suspended solids

  • All dissolved solids


Question 68 of 100


What could cause water to appear black?

Select one of the following:

  • Arsenic

  • Nitrate

  • Manganese

  • Iron


Question 69 of 100


What is the purpose of the drain hole in a dry barrel fire hydrant?

Select one of the following:

  • Relieve excess pressure

  • Dewater water main prior to repair

  • A drain hole is not commonly found on a dry barrel hydrant

  • Remove water from the barrel of the hydrant


Question 70 of 100


What is a composite sample?

Select one of the following:

  • A single sample of water collected at a particular time and place

  • A sample to test for pH

  • A collection of individual samples obtained at regular intervals

  • A sample to test for coliform bacteria


Question 71 of 100


What is the most common type of water meter for residential services?

Select one of the following:

  • Nutating disk water meter

  • Propeller water meter

  • Electromagnetic meter

  • Venturi meter


Question 72 of 100


What is the proper way to close a hydrant valve?

Select one of the following:

  • Quickly close the valve

  • Slowly close the valve

  • Close the largest valve near the hydrant

  • Close the smallest valve on the adjacent water main


Question 73 of 100


What problem would most likely occur if a pump motor is over greased?

Select one of the following:

  • Lantern ring is damaged

  • Packings wear out quickly

  • Mechanical seal becomes loose

  • Overheating


Question 74 of 100


What is total dynamic head?

Select one of the following:

  • Friction loss

  • The difference in water level between the discharge side and suction side of the pump

  • Total static head + head loss

  • The water pressure on the discharge side of the pump


Question 75 of 100


What is total static head?

Select one of the following:

  • The head on the suction side of the pump

  • The head on the discharge side of the pump

  • Friction loss when the pump is running

  • The vertical distance between the free water surface on the discharge side of the pump and the suction side of the pump


Question 76 of 100


Which source water typically contains the most iron and manganese?

Select one of the following:

  • Groundwater

  • Lake

  • River

  • Stream


Question 77 of 100


What is one of the roles of the attendant during confined space entry?

Select one of the following:

  • Authorize entry

  • Assess the conditions inside and outside the confined space to determine if it is safe for the entrant to remain inside, and orders the entrant to evacuate the confined space as necessary

  • Cancel the entry permit, as necessary

  • Verify that all testes specified by the permit have been condcuted and that all procedures and equipment specified by the permit are in place before endorsing the permit


Question 78 of 100


What is the source of E. coli?

Select one of the following:

  • Intestines of warm-blooded organisms

  • Reptiles

  • Fish

  • Vegetation


Question 79 of 100


What will happen if the hydrochloric acid concentration in the water increases?

Select one of the following:

  • pH will increase

  • pH will be unaffected

  • pH will significantly fluctuate

  • pH will decrease


Question 80 of 100


What is chlorine demand?

Select one of the following:

  • The amount of chlorine remaining after contact time

  • Total chlorine dosage

  • The difference between the total chlorine added to the water and the chlorine residual

  • The amount of chlorine injected into water


Question 81 of 100


What is used to measure the flow rate of chlorine gas from a cylinder?

Select one of the following:

  • Ejector

  • Yoke clamp

  • Fusible plug

  • Rotameter


Question 82 of 100


What does pH represent?

Select one of the following:

  • Hypochlorite concentration

  • Measure of hydrogen ion activity

  • Hydrogen peroxide concentration

  • Phosphorus and hydrogen concentration


Question 83 of 100


What is typically used to measure flow rate in an open channel?

Select one of the following:

  • Nutating disk

  • Propeller

  • Weir

  • Positive displacement meter


Question 84 of 100


What causes turbidity?

Select one of the following:

  • Suspended solids

  • Calcium

  • Sodium

  • Magnesium


Question 85 of 100


Why would you not use Lead pipe?

Select one of the following:

  • Problem with connecting with pipes of different metals

  • tuberculation issues

  • Turbulence issues

  • Corrosion risks


Question 86 of 100


Where is the shut off valve for a dry barrel hydrant?

Select one of the following:

  • Top of the hydrant

  • On the lateral

  • within 2 feet of the hydrant

  • Bottom of the hydrant with 2 drain holes


Question 87 of 100


How many pounds of pressure on a 9" closed gate valve with a registered 60 psi?

Select one of the following:

  • 540 pounds

  • 2543 pounds

  • 3340 pounds

  • 4860 pounds


Question 88 of 100


Who determines if a trench needs shoring?

Select one of the following:

  • Competent Person

  • Employee in the trench

  • Water Engineer

  • City Official


Question 89 of 100


A green paint marking indicates what when excavating a 6 foot trench within 20 feet of a ladder?

Select one of the following:

  • Safe to dig here

  • Sewer lines near here

  • 5 feet from the safety of a ladder insertion point

  • Treated water line near here


Question 90 of 100


Why would you open a dry barrel hydrant completely

Select one of the following:

  • To provide maximum flow

  • To flush the operating nut

  • To provide access to the drain holes

  • To test pH at the next hydrant


Question 91 of 100


How would you check the residual pressure of a dry barrel fire hydrant?

Select one of the following:

  • Open the hydrant adjacent in the service line

  • Connect a potentiomenter

  • DPD tester

  • Step down test


Question 92 of 100


How do you check the level of a chlorine gas cylinder?

Select one of the following:

  • Weight it

  • With an injector

  • Wiggle the cylinder

  • With a pressure guage


Question 93 of 100


What strength is chlorine gas?

Select one of the following:

  • 12.5%

  • 25%

  • 65%

  • 100%


Question 94 of 100


White paint markings indicate what?

Select one of the following:

  • Water line beneath ground

  • Telecommunications line beneath ground

  • Gas line beneath ground

  • Excavation area


Question 95 of 100


What is the residual pressure in reference to measuring a fire hydrant residual pressure?

Select one of the following:

  • Pressure reading before water flows.

  • Measurement obtained by a pitot guage on the top of the hydrant

  • Pressure reading while water is flowing (from an outlet other than the flow outlet.)

  • Pressure remaining after all valves have been closed for 60 seconds or more


Question 96 of 100


How long do you wait to flush the line after using the tablet method for a new line?

Select one of the following:

  • 1 hour

  • 6 hours

  • 24 hours

  • 48 hours


Question 97 of 100


Which of the following is best for disinfecting short sections of pipe?

Select one of the following:

  • Slug Method

  • Tablet Method

  • Pigging Method

  • Fill Method


Question 98 of 100


What is galvanic corrosion?

Select one of the following:

  • Galvanized pipe connected to pvc pipe

  • Copper connected to lead pipe

  • Pvc pipe connected to a pump

  • Galvanized pipe with high pH water


Question 99 of 100


Which of the following are disinfection types used in water distribution systems

Select one or more of the following:

  • Calcium Hypychlorite

  • Sodium Hypochlorite

  • Sodium Thiosulfate

  • Chloramine


Question 100 of 100


Which are used to dechlorinate water?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Sodium thiosulfate

  • calcium aerobic

  • ascorbic acid

  • sulfur dioxide
