Created by Alinta Kalns
over 6 years ago
What can you use a blood smear for?
Which tube + anticoagulant would you use for blood smears?
How would you store both the blood sample and blood smear?
What stains are commonly used for blood smears?
What order do you look at a blood smear in?
What do you look for in 10 x quality scan?
How do you calculate platelet count?
Which species is prone to having platelet clumps?
How do you count WBCs?
What are you counting in WBC differential count and how?
What are reactive lymphocytes?
Describe eosinophils from different species
What is the biggest leukocyte in circulation?
List species in descending order of having RBC central pallor
What is rouleaux, and which species is prone to it?
What increases rouleaux?
How can you differentiate rouleaux from agglutination?
What is basophilic stippling and what can it indicate?
What is agglutination?
What is anisocytosis and which species is it normal?
What is polychromasia and what is it indicative of?
What is hypochromasia and what is it indicative of?
What are microcytes indicative of?
What are macrocytes indicative of?
What is the term for abnormally shaped RBCs?
What are specific indicators of regeneration?
What are non-specific indicators of regeneration?
How do you calculate the absolute reticulocyte count?
What are the aggregate reticulocyte serum levels in dogs and cats that indicate regeneration?
Differentiate aggregate from punctate reticulocytes
What can punctate reticulocytes be confused for?