Created by Alinta Kalns
over 6 years ago
What are sound waves?
What is the normal velocity of sound in tissue?
How does an ultrasound transducer work?
What is attenuation?
How does wave frequency influence sound depth?
How does wave frequency influence image resolution?
How does amplitude influence brightness?
Define acoustic impedance
List tissue types in descending order of density
How much attenuation do sound waves go in fluid?
What artifact does fluid produce?
How much attenuation do sound waves undergo in bone?
What artifact can be seen with bone?
How much attenuation do sound waves undergo in air?
What artifact is produced by air?
What types of resolution are there?
What factors influence lateral resolution?
What does a curved beam do in lateral resolution?
What factors influence axial resolution?
What are the ultrasonic modes?
What are the different transducer types?
What types of focus are there, and what does using more than 1 focal zone do to the image?
When would you use time gain?
When would you use split screen?
What is often used to set initial depth of an ultrasonic image?
What ID do you need to include in an ultrasonic image?
Where could you stored ultrasonic images digitally?
Define anechoic.
Define hypoechoic
Define hyperechoic
How would you describe echoes?
Describe acoustic enhancement.
Describe acoustic shadowing.
Describe edge shadows
What influences edge shadows?
What is reverberation?
What are 2 forms of reverberation?
What can cause ring-down reverberation artifact?
Describe mirror-image artifact
Describe slice thickeness.
How do you check whether slice thickness or true sediment?
What are 4 operator artifacts?
What factors would you use to describe a lesion?
How would you describe tissues on ultrasound?
What does gas produce when it moves over other structures?
What would you expect if fluid become hypoechoic or hyperechoic?
What echogenicity is cartilage?
How would you recognise musculature and tendons?
Name organs in descending organ of echogenicity
Which organ is used as a reference for parenchymatous ultrasonography?
What artifact does metal produce?
What echogenicity is wood?
What are echogenicities of the small intestinal wall layers?
What scanning planes would you normally adhere to?