Created by Daniel Olatokun
over 6 years ago
Name the New England colonies.
Name the Middle Colonies.
Name the Southern Colonies.
What was the population of the colonies by 1763 vs in Briain?
Why did the American population grow so quickly?
What were propietary colonies?
What was a corporate colony?
What was a crown colony?
What was salutary neglect and why did Britain follow it?
Why could it be argued that the American colonies were democratic?
Why could it be argued that the American colonies were non-democratic?
From where whicg European countries was there significant immigration, causing the American population to rapidly increase?
Why were the American colonies considered to be a "melting pot"?
What was the British economic system used to deal with the American colonies? What did this system entail?
What were enumerated commodities? Give 2 examples of enumerated commodities.
Give 3 examples of British Acts of Parliament designed to limit colonial production.
What were the main exports of the Southern colonies?
What were the main trades of the New England colonies?
What was the main trade of the Middle colonies?
What was the benefit of mercantilism on the American colonies?
Why did colonial America have a large middle class?
How did American society compare to British society?
What percentage of Americans were church-goers in 1775? What did show about religion in the colonies vs in Britain?
What was the Great Awakening and what was its impact?
How many universities were there in the colnies by 1763 vs in Britain?
What percentage of adult white males were literate in 1763 in America vs in Britain?
What was British society like by 1763?
What was Britain's economic position by 1763?
Which British cities experienced mass growth throughout th 1760s?
How many towns did colonial America have by 1763?
Give evidence the Britain and the American colonies had a weakening relationship by 1763.
Give evidence that there was a strong relationship between Britain and the American colonies by 1763.
Give evidence that the American colonies were dependent on Britain by 1763.
Give evidence that the British colonies were not dependent on Britain by 1763.
What caused the Seven Years War?
Between what years was the Seven Years War?
What was the peace treaty called and what did it dictate?
What were the consequences of the Seven Years War?