Created by J yadonknow
over 6 years ago
What is each adrenal gland equiv. to
What's on outer/inner
Structure of adrenal medulla
Hormones of adrenal medulla are
What is the medulla chiefly composed of
What are chromaffin cells?
What is the adrenal medulla stimulated by?
What is the neurotransmitter?
What is the purpose of these hormones?
Major effects of adrenaline on the CV system (5)
Metabolic effects
Adrenaline receptors
Adrenal Cortex
What type of hormone are all of these?
Where are steroid hormone receptors found?
Cholesterol -> Steroid hormones
What does Z. Glomerulosa lack?
What does Z. Fasciculata + Z. Reticularis lack
21-hydroxylase deficiency
Zona Reticularis weak androgens (ASD DHEAS)
Production of sex hormones in males
Production of sex hormones in females
What hormone regulates the release of these hormones?
How is aldosterone secretion regulated?
What are the effects?
What zona is involved in stress/ mental+emotional trauma?
What are the catabolic effects of cortisol on skeletal muscle?
What are the catabolic effects of cortisol on adipose tissue?
What are the effects on plasma
What are the effects of cortisol on the immune system?
What controls cortisol release?
Draw hormone feedback cycle for cortisol
What are the other roles of ACTH?
Symptoms of hyperfunction (6)
What receptors does cortisol in excess bind
What are the causes and symptoms of excessive ADRENAL androgen production?
Causes of hypofunction?
What does excess ACTH do and why?
Why is there excessive ACTH?