Janet MacLennan
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

a quiz to check your ability to critically evaluate possible research reading sources

Janet MacLennan
Created by Janet MacLennan over 6 years ago

Academic reading

Question 1 of 6


Tick the things you should consider before choosing a reading source:

Select one or more of the following:

  • price

  • how up to date it is

  • who wrote it and/ or who published it

  • the language it's written in

  • How many copies of the book are on the shelf

  • the picture on the front cover

  • who it was written for (kids? the general public? academics?

  • How much information- that you need- it contains

  • Whether it has a reference list

  • Whether it's fair, balanced and/ or objective


Question 2 of 6


Which of these sets of letters at the end of a URL suggest that it's a good source?

Select one or more of the following:

  • .biz

  • .ac.uk

  • .edu

  • .com

  • .org

  • .co.uk

  • .gov


Question 3 of 6


When you first look at a text, what should you read or look at?

Select one or more of the following:

  • The reference list.

  • Titles and headings

  • Every word in the main body.

  • Charts and graphs

  • Information about the author.

  • Topic sentences.


Question 4 of 6


When you're first reading a text, which method is best?

Select one of the following:

  • scanning

  • skimming

  • reading for detail


Question 5 of 6


What is "scanning" and when would you use it?

Select one of the following:

  • It's reading every word very carefully so you get the full picture.

  • Keeping the key information that you need in your mind, and letting your eyes quickly travel over the text, stopping when you get to that information. Good to use if you're only looking for one piece of information.

  • Just looking at topic sentences, and predicting the content of paragraphs.

  • Just looking at pictures.

  • It's reading through a text very quickly without stopping. It helps you to see the main focus of a text and where different information is contained.


Question 6 of 6


What 3 things is it a good idea to include in a page of notes?

Select one of the following:

  • The source (either the author, title etc. or the URL) and some notes

  • Some notes and your thoughts.

  • The source (either the author, title etc. or the URL) , key words from the text on one side of the page, and your thoughts and questions on the other.

  • Drawings and diagrams.
