Created by J yadonknow
over 6 years ago
Roles of oestrogen
Roles of progesterone
Follicle development
Hormone release prior to puberty
What does this stim? (2)
Why growth spurt?
Menarche occurs
Menstrual cycle - follicular phase
luteal phase
Characterised by
What does C.L. produce?
Hormonal changes during follicular phase
A.P. hormones explained
What type of signalling is that?
Rising O
What other hormone inhibits O?
How does O stim. O?
Hormone feedback cycle
Luteal Surge
Surge of LH causes
Oocyte then enters
C.L. post fertilisation
How long does it take or C.L. to degenerate to C.A.?
Effect on FSH/LH
C.L. functions