Created by sss tttttt
almost 7 years ago
What is the importance of models and definitions?
What do threat models and security definitions enable?
What does a "clear" threat model and security definition allow?
A clear threat model and security definition enables...
Cryptography currently requires 4 computational assumptions, one of which is...
Cryptography currently requires 4 computational assumptions, which are...
Cryptography currently requires 4 computational assumptions, which are...
Cryptography currently requires 4 computational assumptions, which are...
Skytale is an example of a...
In a transposition cipher, what is kept the same and what is changed?
The Caesar cipher is an example of a...
In a substitution cipher, what is kept the same and what is changed?
When using modular arithmetic what are we looking for?
8 mod 3 = ?
The caesar cipher has a shift amount of...
25 = 35 mod 10
why is this correct?
25 != (35 mod 10)
why is this correct?
5 = (35 mod 10)
why is this correct?
Ring of Congruence Example
[3] + [4] = [7] = [2]
{... -8, -3, 2, 7 ... }
What is the significance of Z5?
ROT13 is an X that has a key of Y
The Vigenere cipher is...
The Vigenere cipher applies...