1 MET = O2 consumed in resting position.
Chose the correct indication for exercise stress test
Suspect intermediate probability of CAD
Woman with typical chest pain
Men with atypical symptoms
Assess exercise capacity for asymptomatic aortic regurgitation
Assess exercise capacity for congenital AV block II
Diagnostic test for arrhythmias
If 85 % / 70 % of MHR not obtained during exercise stress test the test is diagnostic non-diagnostic( diagnostic, non-diagnostic ).
Which of the following are relative stop indications for exercise stress test?
Multifocal ectopic lesions
ST elevation > 0,2 mV
Technical problems
Central nervous symptoms (dizzy, atrexia etc)
Which of the following factors can give false positive result of exercise stress test?
Use of beta-blockers or calsium antagonist
valvular heart disease
Good collateral circulation
The exercise stress test is questionable is the ST depression is downsloping upsloping horizontal( downsloping, upsloping, horizontal ).
In transthoracic echocardiography tissue, its velocity and blood flow can be assessed in heart and main vessels.
3 Chambers apical projection of transthoracic echo allows interrogation of;
Left coronary artery
Left subclavian artery
aortic bulb
Papillary muscle
right ventricular outflow tract
cardiac stress echocardiography is used as first line diagnose for CAD.
Chose correct indication fpr transesophageal echocardiography.
Diagnosis of syncope with high risk arrhythmia
Monitor cardiac surgery
exclude thrombus or source of embolism
diagnose cardiac murmurs
to assess dysfunction of prosthetic valve
Which of the following is a contraindication for using atropine?
Ventricular arrhythmia
Glaucoma, severe bradyarrhythmia, asthma
Asthma, hypotension and narrow GI tract
Ventricular tachycardia, AV block, asthma
Glaucoma and no urine function