Created by Emily Bevis
over 6 years ago
Organisation and role of political parties
What is the role of party national committees?
Parties relationship with states
Define ideology
Typical Democrat policies
Typical Republican policies
Does ideology define party alliance?
Define Liberalism
The New Democrats
The Liberal Democrats
Blue Dog Democrats
Define Conservatism
The Moderate Republicans
Conservative Republican
Religious/New Right Republican
Explain parties as "Internal Coalitions"
Party divisions in UK
What are the 6 big party issues?
Ideology crossover in 1993 Senate
Is America a 50/50 nation?
The 'Solid South'
Theory of Party Decline
Evidence for party decline x5
Evidence for party decline in 2016 Presidential election
Define split-ticket voting
Theory of party renewal
Evidence for party renewal x5
Evidence for renewal in 2016
Evidence for US two party system
Why is there a two party system?
Evidence against a US two party system
Impact of third parties - examples
Where are third parties more successful?
What is holding back third parties?
Limitation of finance on third parties
Third party extremism?
What is the Tea Party?
Impact of Tea Party on 2016 election
Impact of Tea Party on congress
Define Neo-Liberalism
Define Neo-Conservatism