Created by Calli Ware
over 6 years ago
What are Developmental Theories?
What is the unit of analysis?
What do they examine?
What is the general pattern of offending?
Best Predictor oh who is at high risk?
What are they explaining?
Integrated Theories
Integrated Theories
* Pros *
Integrated Theories
* Cons *
Elliot's Strain Control Paradigm
Elliots Strain Control Paradigm
* Form strong bonds *
* Two ways *
Elliots Strain Control Paradigm
* Integration *
Elliots Strain Control Paradigm
* Commitment *
Elliots Strain Control Paradigm
* Two Pathways to Criminal
Behavior *
Thronberry's Interactional Theory
* Basic model *
Thornberrys Interactional model
* Basic model *
Thornberrys Interactional Theory
* Reciprocal Effects *
Thornberrys Interactional Theory
* Reciprocal Effects *
Farrington's Integrated Cognitive
Antisocial Potential Theory (ICAP)
* Two key concepts *
Farrington's Integrated Cognitive
Antisocial Potential Theory (ICAP)
* Antisocial Potential (AP) *
Farrington's Integrated Cognitive
Antisocial Potential Theory (ICAP)
* Cognition *
Farrington's Integrated Cognitive
Antisocial Potential Theory (ICAP)
* Long- Term AP *
Farrington's Integrated Cognitive
Antisocial Potential Theory (ICAP)
* Short- term AP *
Life Course Criminology
Moffitt's Developmental Theory
* Two Types of Offenders *
Moffitt's Developmental Theory
* Adolescent- Limited Offender *
Moffitt's Developmental Theory
* Adolescent- Limited Offenders *
* Maturity Gap *
Moffitt's Developmental Theory
* Life Course Persistent Offenders *
Sampson & Laub Age Graded Theory
of Informal Social Control
Sampson and Laub's Age Graded
Theory of Informal Social Control
* Crime Desistance *
Sampson and Laub Shared Beginning, Divergent Lives
* Two findings *
Sampson and Laubs Shared Beginning, Divergent Lives
* 5 aspects to desistance *
Sampson and Laubs Shared Beginning, Divergent Lives
* 5 aspects to desistance *
Maruna's Theory of Redemption Scripts
* Two scripts *
Maruna's Theory of Redemption Scripts
* Redemption *
Maruna's Theory of Redemption Scripts
* Condemnation *
Patterson's Social Interactional Developmental Model
* Two Onsets *
Pattersons Social Interactional Developmental Model
* Early Onset *
Pattersons Social Interactional Developmental Model
* Late Onset *