Each question in this quiz is timed.
Bluetooth has a range of less than 10m
WiFi stands for Wireless Falarity
Bluetooth is used only for headphones and speakers.
Bluetooth has a bigger bandwidth than WiFi
Input devices is hardware that sends data to a computer
What are some examples of input devices
Monitor, Printer, Speakers, Headphones
Mouse, Keyboard, Microphone, Sensors
What is hardware?
A component of a computer system that speeds up processes
A component of a computer system that contains a circuit board
Output devices receive data
A projector is an output device
A Blu-ray disk is an example of a storage device
A hard drive can hold less data than a floppy disk
Excel is an example of a software
What is software?
A collection of parts of data
a collection of instructions
Bluetooth microphone have a much bigger range than a wifi microphone