Created by Alinta Kalns
over 6 years ago
What is the most common syndrome of Listeria monocytogenes in Australia? What are the other syndromes?
What is the incidence of listerial meningoencephalitis in cattle?
What lesions occur with Listerial meningoencephalitis?
Which route of transmission is more important in Listeria zoonosis?
What are common signs of Listerial meningoencephalitis?
What are uncommon signs of listeria meningoencephalitis?
Which 3 nerves does listeria most commonly affect?
How would you diagnose listeria infection?
What are differentials for listerial meningoencephalitis?
How would you treat listeriosis?
How could you prevent listeria meningoencephalitis?
What clostridium botulinum types affect cattle?
What is the lethal dose of botulinum toxin?
What is botulinum intoxication associated with?
What are the forms of botulinum intoxication and what are the CS?
What is a distinguishing feature of botulinum paralysis?
How would you diagnose botulinum intoxication?
How would you treat and prevent botulinum intoxication?
What pathogen causes thromboembolic meningoencephalitis (TEME)?
Which form of histophilus somni infection is TEME?
How do you diagnose TEME?
When and how would you treat TEME?
What could help prevent TEME?
How does Clostridium tetani infect cattle?
What are the CS of tetanus?
How would you treat tetanus?
Tetanus prevention?
What is the aetiology of pituitary abscess syndrome (basilar empyema)?
What are the CS of pituitary abscess syndrome?
Diagnosis of pituitary abscess syndrome?
What are main differentials for pituitary abscess syndrome?
What are CS of nervous coccidiosis?
What are differential diagnoses for nervous coccidiosis?
What is the aetiology and CS of cerebral babesiosis?
What pathology is associated with polioencephalomalacia (PEM)
What can cause PEM?
What are CS of PEM?
What is central mediated blindness?
How can you diagnosis PEM?
What are differentials of PEM
How would you treat PEM?
How long does it take for adult cattle to develop vitamin A deficiency CS?
What are risk factors for hypovitaminosis A?
What are CS of hypovitaminosis A in calves?
What are CS of hypovitaminosis A in adult cattle?
How to managed hypovitaminosis A?
What are CS of lead poisoning?
How do you diagnose lead poisoning in cattle?
How would you treat lead poisoning?
What is the pathogenesis of water intoxication?
What are clinical signs of water intoxication?
How would you treat water intoxication?
What is the pathogenesis of urea poisoning?
What are CS of urea poisoning?
How can you diagnose urea poisoning?
How could you treat urea poisoning?
What is the aetiology of ryegrass staggers?
What are CS for ryegrass staggers
How can you treat ryegrass staggers?
What is the aetiology of annual ryegrass toxicity?
What are CS of annual ryegrass toxicity?
Diagnosis of annual ryegrass toxicity?
Treatment of annual ryegrass toxicity?
What is the aetiology of sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis?
What are CS of sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis?
What pathology does chlamydia pecorum cause?