What is magma?
Where is magma located?
Where is a magma chamber located?
What does an oceanic plate do when it descends into the mantle?
The molten rock and gas collect in a ______ ________ until it can escape to the surface.
How are stratovolcanoes built?
What does the magma below stratovolcanoes do?
What is a dike?
What is lava?
What does lava leaving the side vent cause?
What is a conduit?
What is an example of a cooled and hardened conduit?
How was Devil´s Tower formed?
What was the Devil´s Tower made of?
What is a crater?
Where is a crater located?
Where can lava flow?
Are volcanoes always erupting? Why?
How are the steep walls of a volcanic crater are produced?
How hot is the lava in the min vent?
What does the lava on the top of the main vent do?
What does the lava do after is cools?
What is tuff?