Created by ablackwood
over 11 years ago
Jesus Christ is the _____ Son of God.
Christ is identical with the Father in _____, and all _____.
When Christ became man, He did so without any change in His _____ nature.
The _____ and _____ natures were united in one Person, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ possessed two _____ and is one _____.
As _____, Christ ministers by His Word and Spirit.
As Priest, Christ offers _____ as sacrifice and makes _____.
As King, Christ _____ the kingdom of God.
The human nature of Christ came from _____.
The purity of Christ is attributable to His conception by the _____.
The human nature was necessary for Christ in order for Him to experience our _____; in order for Him to be _____; in order for Him to suffer the _____ of sin; in order for Him to fulfill _____; and in order for Him to serve as _____.
The Redeemer must be God and man in order to serve as _____.
Christ became representative of us as the _____.
Christ fulfilled the law in order to restore the _____ which Adam forfeited.
The crucifixion of Christ was necessary in order to satisfy divine _____.
According to Romans 4:23-25, Christ was delivered for our _____ and raised again for our _____.
We are _____ to God by the death of His Son; we are _____ by His life.
By the _____ of one man, judgment came upon all men.
By the _____ of one Man, Christ, the free gift of salvation came to all humankind.
In 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19, the ministry of _____ is described.
In order for the ministry of reconciliation to be fulfilled, it was necessary for _____ to be in Christ.
God reconciled the world to Himself by not _____ their trespasses to them.
According to 2 Corinthians 5:21, Christ was made _____ for us.
In 2 Corinthians 5:21, it is declared that we are made the _____ of God in Christ.
According to Hebrews 2:16=18, Christ took on Himself the nature of the seed of _____.
Christ becoming flesh was necessary for Him to become our _____.
The emphasis on the literalness of Christ’s death determines our understanding of His _____.
The resurrected body of Christ was _____.
In order to enter heaven, the body of Christ had become _____.
The resurrection is the Father’s _____ of _____ upon Christ _____ and upon His _____.
First Corinthians 15:3, 4 shows that the Old Testament had predicted the _____ of Christ.
In 1 Timothy 3:16, the incarnation of Christ and His redemptive activity are called the _____ of ______.
The believer receives four benefits of the resurrection of Christ: his _____, his _____ over his enemies, and assurance of _____.
According to Ephesians 1:19-23, Christ’s _____ demonstrate God’s power in our salvation.
As Prophet, Christ reveals the _____ of _____.
By inspiration, Christ has provided _____ for us.
As Priest, Christ’s purpose is to offer His blood for our _____.
As eternal Priest, Christ makes _____ intercession for us.
As King, Christ rules both in _____ and in the _____.
In Christ’s rulership over the world, He is _____ and _____.