What is the definition of a lab experiment?
What is the definition of a field experiment?
What is the definition of the IV?
What is the definition of the DV?
What is operationilising the variables mean?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a lab experiment?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a field experiment?
What is the definition of naturalistic experiments?
What is the definition of a Quasi experiment?
What is an example of a natural experiment and the naturally occurring IV?
What is an example of a Quasi experiment and what is the naturally occurring IV?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of a natural experiment?
What are the strengths of a Quasi experiment?
What is the definition of independent groups?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of independent groups?
What is the definition of repeated measures?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of repeated measures?
What is the definition of matched pairs?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of matched pairs?
What is an example of independent group?
What is an example of repeated measures?
What is an example of matched pairs?
What is the term 'representative sampling'?
What is the definition of random sampling?
What is the definition of opportunity sampling?
What is the definition of systematic sampling?
What is the definition of stratified sampling?
What variables should be considered of this experiment? 'Students will a greater number of answers in attest when they have been taught with the lights on than off.
What does the term standardised procedures mean?
What things should be considered when doing standardised instructions?
How do you work out the mean of a group of numbers?
How do you work out the median of a group of numbers?
How do you work out the mode of a group of numbers?
How do you work out the range of a group of numbers?
What does the term Aim mean?
What is the definition of a non-directional hypothesis?
What is the definition of a directional hypothesis?
What is the definition of a null hypothesis?
What is the definition of demand characteristics?