Created by Jennifer Huber
over 6 years ago
What is MAC, minimum alveolar concentrations?
what is the fastest inhalation induction agent but low potency
Effects of inhalation induction agents
Nitrous Oxide
Side Effects of Halothane
Enflurane can cause what?
MCC of intra-op bradycardia and its treatment
Propofol Use
Side effects of propofol
Patients not to use propofol in
How is Propofol Metabolized?
Effects of Ketamine
Side Effects of Ketamine
Continuous infusions of this inhalation induction agent can lead to adrenocortical suppression
Dexmedetomidine (Precedex)
What is the last muscle to go down and the first muscle to recover from paralysis?
First muscles to go down and last to recover from paralytics
Depolarizing Agents
Effects of Succinylcholine
Side effects of succinylcholine
Malignant Hyperthermia
Tx of Malignant Hyperthermia
Patients to NOT use succinylcholine
MoA of Nondepolarizing Agents
what is it?
how is it eliminated?
common s/e
what is it?
how it's metabolized
what is it?
how its metabolized
MC s/e
Reversing Agents for Nondepolarizing Agents
How do Local Anesthetics work?
What is the maximum dosing of lidocaine?
What is the maximum dosing of Buprivacaine?
Why are infected tissues more difficult to anesthetize?
Side effects of local anesthesia
When should you not use epinephrine with local anesthetics?
List of Amide Local Anesthetics
List of Ester Local Anesthetics
Opioid Receptors
Effects of opioids
Where are narcotics metabolized?
Tx for narcotic overdose
Why shouldn't you use narcotics in patients with MAO-i use?
Effects of Morphine
Effects of Demerol
Why don't you give Demerol to patients in renal failure?
What is the most potent narcotic?
Effects of Benzodiazepines
Receptor associated with benzodiazepines
other name and contraindication
What is Valium?
What is Ativan?
Treatment for Benzodiazepine overdose
How epidural anesthesia works
Effects of Morphine in an epidural
Lidocaine in an epidural
Treatment for a patient who develops acute HoTN and Bradycardia during an epidural
Why can't you use an epidural in patients with HCM or cyanotic heart disease?
Area to place an epidural for thoracotomy
Area to place an epidural for laparotomy
Spinal Anesthesia
Caudal Block
Epidural and Spinal Complications
What are spinal HAs and how to treat them
Initial Treatment for Post-op MI
What to do for patient with STEMI post-op?
Patients who need pre-op cardiac work up
ASA Physical Status Class I
ASA Physical Status Class II
ASA Physical Status Class III
ASA Physical Status Class IV
ASA Physical Status Class V
ASA Physical Status Class VI
ASA Physical Status Class E
Biggest Risk Factors for postop MI
Most effective cardiac med to prevent intra-op and post-op cardiovascular events
How long should you wait after an MI before doing an elective surgery?
What is a high cardiac risk for a noncardiac surgical patient?
What is a Intermediate cardiac risk for a noncardiac surgical patient?
What is a Low cardiac risk for a noncardiac surgical patient?
Best determinant of esophageal vs tracheal intubation
Intubated patient undergoing surgery with sudden transient RISE in ETCO2
- most likely cause
- treatment
- possible other causes
Causes for an intubated patient with sudden DROP in ETCO2
Symptoms of Air Embolism
Treatment of Air Embolism
ETT placement should be how far above carina?
MC PACU complication
MCC of post-op hypoxemia
MCC of postop hypercarbia
Signs of inadequate pain control